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Best of 2010

flufflogic: Best of 2010

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  • This gets number one very easily. The reasons why are obvious to me:

    1. It's been this year's timesink, as Fallout 3 was last year. 2 playthroughs so far, totalling around 55 hours, all DLC done once.

    2. It's one of the few games I have ever played that made me reassess the previous title in the series, which I went back to and sank roughly 50 hours into as well.

    3. It made me reassess a whole company's output, as to be honest I've never liked Bioware and their rather "sweetness and light vs the puppy kicker" morality mentality.

    I couldn't have any other game at number 1.

  • The closest challenger to Mass Effect 2, though, has to be this. To take where AC2 ended, expand on it, and end on a cliffhanger that's even BIGGER, is a feat. To add multiplayer to it, and make that multiplayer not only make sense in the story but actually fun, was also a massive feat. Any other year, I'd have this at number one.

  • The most infuriating, frustrating game ever, and yet I just can't stop going back and giving it another try.

    Every little passed level gives such enormous gratification, but there's just so much there; 5 worlds of 20 levels, each level with a Dark World variant, a "level -1" and boss for each world, and then there's the extra worlds at the end, the extra characters, warp zones...

    And now they're adding user generated content to the mix, and editing on the PC. It's a mad level of content in a maddening game, but you never feel like it's the game's fault. You know what you should have done, how it was your fault. You go back, keep trying, and exult in eventual victory. If you want to stay sane, you NEVER check leaderboards.

  • I'm only just getting into this, but the fact that in 24 hours I've been told twice my iPod is at risk if I don't stop playing the damn game attests to how addicted I am. I've even experienced the meta mind-f that is the fact I can make a game development RPG in the development RPG.

    Xzibit would be proud.

  • A brilliant concept: make a bitesize version of your new game, plotted out as a prequel to it, and make it a short (2 hour) taster for every aspect you want to advertise. It's just such a great idea, and the sales say it worked.

  • Another great concept: bringing back the holiday themed game. Although the gameplay gets repetitive, and it's chock full of collections to complete, it's so brilliantly themed, full of great humour, and was just a nice surprise game.

  • The single player experience was great, but the multiplayer was where I sank my time. Highly balanced, with a class for all types of player, it also gave Ten Dollar a great value point in the amount of free content that was added over time.

  • Reach was an odd game for me; though I loved the single player, and I sank a lot of time and effort into it (solo Legendary being one of the hardest things I ever did), the multiplayer left me cold. I just couldn't get into it like I used to, and the levelling felt pointless and overly long. The daily and weekly challenges were a great touch, but it just couldn't keep my attention.

  • It's good to see a game of a movie/comic that isn't just some cynical, poorly made tie-in, but one that matches the theme, style and even music of the full product. It's even fun!

  • It's like Angry Birds, but more fun. Never had to resort to YouTube to work out the hows and the whys, either, and the physics feel less arbitrary. There's no "a tiny fraction of change makes the difference between a pass and a fail", it's just timing, precision, and putting it down on a surface to allow for multitouch gestures.