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#1  Edited By fobwashed

@Zithe: I hear you, but the original DS games were more 2D centric titles focused on using the stylus while the 3DS has 3D in the name of the console itself and the majority of the titles shown were 3D games. Navigating in 3D worlds tends to be much easier with a second stick for either camera control or aiming and it was those 3D games where the lack of a second stick really stuck out in PSP titles. Also, when the DS released, the need of a second stick wasn't really a known thing like it has been since the PSP. After the PSP, a new handheld releasing without at least 1 analog stick wouldn't even be considered unless you start looking at things like mobile phones and iDevices. Even in those platforms though, for games that are more console/handheld type games, they emulate dual analog or on screen buttons which I think is pretty gross but necessary.

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#2  Edited By fobwashed

@mewarmo990: Do you really think that Nintendo would take this beyond a peripheral and actually build it into the next hardware revision? My gut reaction was that they would, but thinking about it, it didn't work for the Wii Motion + (Not many games supported it) and doing so would fragment the 3DS user base. Which would be bad for everyone. Also, I have no idea to what extremes Iwata would have to take his appology for something like that.

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#3  Edited By fobwashed

I actually wrote into GiantBomb about this on 7/15/10

No Caption Provided

Thought it was totally weird that nobody was mentioning the lack of a second stick. I guess most thought the touch screen would suffice but apparently not.

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#4  Edited By fobwashed

This looks more like photoshop brushwork than pencils. Or maybe pencils means something else entirely than that something was drawn with actual pencils.

Either way, it's nice =D

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#5  Edited By fobwashed

@Popskinz said:

@DonutFever: You know, when i read/watch something i don't like, i just leave it alone. I don't try to be a jerk and thumb it down so it will look like a waste of time to everybody else, but that's just me.

If I see a bad review, or something I don't like and if I have the option to show my dislike of it, I do it. This is specifically to show to others that I feel it's a waste of time and I have wasted my own time reading/watching/consuming or whatever. If I read a shitty book, and my friend was about to start reading it, I'd tell him not to bother. If he decided to read it anyway, that's his business but as a friend, I would try to persuade him not to. I will on the flipside, endorse things I do like. It's the goddamn internet. If you put your shit out there, how is it you don't think people will have opinions about it? I bet you wouldn't complain about any likes you may have gotten.

I think it's far more likely that some people read your review, and disliked when compared to this idea that these people are following you and disliking your reviews out of spite. And even if that's the case, wth? Move on. Your current reaction is exactly the response they wanted to get out of you so congratulations, you succeeded in helping them succeed at their trollcraft.

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#6  Edited By fobwashed

@SethPhotopoulos: Oops, I meant the archived vids on the site. You can still find them on JustinTV I think but here they're under the subscriber videos section -_-;;

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#7  Edited By fobwashed

@StaticFalconar said:

One final thing I gotta say; The Whiskey Media crew itself does a pretty bad job of advertising their own stuff. I'm reading some of the above comments and coming from a non-subscriber I never even knew about the PC throwbacks or the SNES thing that apparently only subscribers get. I mean, if you never advertise your own supply and create a demand you will not get more subscribers for the work you put in. I don't mean Vinney should go ahead and start working overtime to create ads for these things, but rather just take some time in each bombcast or just have a segment in I love mondays, etc to give a little blurb on these paid only things, that way you actually create demand. Hell, why is the T shirt store so hidden away? It makes sense that subscribers should get a discount, but not all subscribers actually want or even care about a T shirt. Look at other sites like Penny arcade; they put out less content than Whiskey Media does, but they don't have a problem paying the bills since they its really apparent where the merch store is. The only reason why there is even a need for having subscribers in the first place is due to the bottom line of making money. The merch store is something they can definitely improve on as well.

The T shirt store being hidden *I THINK* is because they make very limited runs and they sell out. Why they don't make more? I don't know, maybe they hate money =P But in any case, whenever I get an email regarding a t-shirt, if it's something I want I buy it immediately because they sell out right quick. I have to agree with you that they really do seem to do a pretty poor job of advertising their wares. I doubt a lot of people who come here casually even know that there IS a subscription. That being said, I also don't think the subscriptions are for the casual perusers of this site. Instead it's for the people who listen to the bombcasts, the E3 podcasts, watch every quicklook and hang out in the forums and write wikis =P

@crusader8463: I like a lot of your suggestions and would love to see any one of them come to fruition. The live feed of the bombcast is especially enticing, though I'm never in a position to be able to watch much of the live stuff =\ I'm pretty fenced on the PC thing that Vin and Dave did and I can see it being argued either way.

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#8  Edited By fobwashed

@Overbite said:

I don't get it. Why ask the non-subscribers what they're ok with not getting? If they get it then there's no reason for them to subscribe.

Give me everything I want for free!

The general non-sub response to anything having to do with new members only content is overwhelmingly negative. I'm hoping that taking an alternative approach and asking what they're actually cool with would provide some insight. I've requested that those of the opinion that all content should be free refrain from posting in hopes that it'd bring out some real responses.

@TekZero said:

There is no valid reason other than 'helping out" whiskey media to subscribe.

If that were the only reason Whisky Media provided to get subscriptions, they honestly wouldn't have as many subscriptions as they do now. Not everyone feels that they should give money for the entertainment they freely receive and because of that, they need to provide some incentive for people to subscribe. Everyone can vote with their dollars by not paying for the premium content, or vote with their clicks by not coming to this site if they so choose but they have every right to do what they can to try to generate more revenue from these sites. I requested that those with the stance that "everything should be free for everyone" was not the target audience of this thread -_-;;

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#9  Edited By fobwashed

@SpikeSpiegel said:

If they can't do anything that resembles a Quick Look, what exactly do non-subscribers expect them to come up with?

Exactly what I'm very curious to find out.

@louiedog said:

I'm a recent sub that signed up for the SNES thing. I'm okay with making behind the scenes, video features that don't have to do with new games, and retro video content sub only. That includes Quick Look Throwbacks.

I like the idea of more behind the scenes type stuff. *crosses fingers for Vinnie Cooking Show*. It's the personalities more than the games that are being covered that bring me to the site anyway which is why I loved the Happy Hour and am real sad it's going away.

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#10  Edited By fobwashed

I didn't realize this was an actual request as opposed to just a random question. I guess I'd do it for $300. But that's because I really don't want to shave my head.