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 As I've mentioned before, I rarely play new games. This is mainly due to financial/work related constraints. As such, I've decided this blog shall be a healthy mix of gaming and non-gaming related things.

Ok so let's do this.




Ninja Gaiden Sigma  can fuck right off.

 I tried. I really tried. I'm at about 5 hours in, chapter 5. A little early to be giving up, I hear you yell? Well I'm pretty sure that this 5 hours doesn't count the 5 hours I've spent at my current save location. Which, by the way, loads me in the centre of 3 guys. 3 very difficult and aggressive guys. With bombs. And arrows. And swords. And speed. 
All things I have not yet managed to master it would seem. 

 And yeh, motorbikes.
 And yeh, motorbikes.

I fully intend to give Ninja Gaiden the time it deserves when I'm in a better position to sink hours and hours into learning combos and all that. But right now, after stressful work, I really can't handle it. YEH I'M A PUSSY SO WHAT.   Other things:
  • Graphics are surprisingly tasty.
  • Control system is incredibly smooth and intuative. It's actually made me rethink my position on DMC and GOW a bit.
  • Menu systems are pretty shocking.
  • No I will never choose to "Abandon the way of the Ninja", please stop asking me.

Uncharted 2's Multiplayer still has me hooked.

 Online Multiplayer and myself usually do not get along. I'm happy to spend time online in Red Dead's Wild West, I put about 15-20 hours into Resistance 1 online, and a similar amount into the ps3 TF2, something which seems pretty lacklustre after seeing the support Valve gave to all the other versions.  I'm currently running into my third full day of online play in Uncharted 2, which might not be a lot (at all) to most of you, but it's a HELLUVA long time for me. Potential reasons for this:
  • It's like Horde Mode, with jumping and stuff.
  • It's the only online co-op experience I own which isn't terrible.
  • I'm actually not shit at it.
  • The climbable (a word?) terrain allows for deathmatches which aren't your typical spawn-die-spawn-die-spawn-die in 10 seconds affair.
And the game is just pretty as hell. Who wouldn't want to spend hours looking at this?!

 Only complaint is that, because my internet is pretty dire (Virgin, YOU LIE ABOUT SPEEDS) I often fall out of games due to connection errors. It may only happen once a night, but I feel really badly for the other plays in co-op matches when it happens. The game forces the match to end when one person drops out. This seems a little unnecessary, I'm sure two people can finish. Similarly, a couple of times when I've loaded up the multiplayer I've recieved penalties for quitting matches. I appreciate this is my own fault but it's annoying.
Really I should be venting at Virgin here. DAMMIT VIRGIN.
But anyway, anyone fancy playing online with someone with a potentially unstable connection? My PSN is frazmuhoney, it would be awesome to play with some fellow GiantBombers!


 It's been snowing here in the UK. A Lot. And with snow comes a change in my current music appreciation, often to artists I used to listen to a bit, and now donate large amounts of time to. It also tends to be musicians who contribute to a 'cosy' vibe, hence these lovelies. Currently it is these two fine musicians who are taking up all my time.
 Billie Holiday                                                          Roy Oribson
 Billie Holiday                                                          Roy Oribson

 So yeh, I appreciate Roy Orbison's a bit intensely uncool and cheesy, mainly thanks to Pretty Woman (amongst others) but I really can't stop listening to them at the moment. (I really don't know much about Billie Holiday yet but) If you're interested I'd reccommend; 

Billie Holiday
  • It's Like Reaching For The Moon
  • Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do
  • Fine and Mellow
  • She did a good version of A Fine Romace
 Roy Orbison 
  • The Comedians
  • Breaking Up is Breaking My Heart
  • You Got It
  • In Dreams 
They've both got me back into guitar playing, though trying to figure out Billie Holiday songs, as someone with no base in jazz-blues guitar, seems a bit of a fruitless pursuit. Oh well, here's to trying anyway!   
Anyone got any recommendations of similar musicians?
