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After College

How many of you are in college? If so, do you ever second guess your career path and wonder about what you are supposed to do after you graduate?
I will never forget the first big question my roommate asked me the first night I arrived back (I had left the school in 2008 to explore the "College Party" scene for a year).
He casually asked me "Dude, what do you do after you graduate? Do you just sell out and become a part of the system?"
He's partially joking, of course, but it's a very good question.
I've always seen movies and such about people who go adventuring and traveling after they graduate. I always thought that was because they were really into nature. If you think about it, though, once you graduate you have to start your life. That is it. That is where end-game begins.
I don't know about any of you guys but to me

that is scary!

So what do we do after college? I've pondered the question quite a bit. What do you guys think? If you are in college currently, what do you plan on doing once you get your degree? If you are planning on beginning college soon, what do you think about it? Have you ever given it a second thought?
Also, for the college graduates here, what did you do? I'd love to hear your stories and get some experienced advice about what to do.
Thanks in advanced for the consideration!