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Ever jumped into a game blindly to get the complete experience?

Mass Effect 
Mass Effect 
I really enjoyed Dragon Age: Origins. I enjoyed it so much that it ended up as my game of the year two years ago. You guys know the feeling of being so stoked about a game that you can't wait anymore? Well, of course you do. Anyway; that is not a feeling at all I have with Dragon Age II right around the corner. So this is actually very good because I know BioWare, I know that this is going to be a very, very good game. 
I haven't seen anything from Dragon Age II other then the thumbnails here on the site and I kind of think that I am going to jump in blindly. I've only done this one time for real. I was looking forward to the original Mass Effect very much and I decided to not look at anything and man it turned out to be a very unique experience with one surprise after another. So with that said - I got my hands on the game like one month before it's release; it was my first ever review-copy.  
So, I would love to hear from you guys if you ever do this? It's quiet expensive to buy games today and it kind of feels like a bad decision to this these days. And if you are into this, what games have you completely ignored until the release?