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Game of The Year 2009

So my company back here in Sweden just posted the Game of The Year article. For you Sweeds - But for you others, here is the translation.  
" With a great story, fantastic world and interesting characters, this game stands as an easy winner. It's not the most pretty game out there but it takes something new further on, and that is what we are after.  
The dialog-system isn't that deep as the companies earlier project - but this just shows how many different ways thay can handle it and still make it mindblowing.  
Game of The Year - Dragon Age: Origins"



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Edited By Fruitcocoa

So my company back here in Sweden just posted the Game of The Year article. For you Sweeds - But for you others, here is the translation.  
" With a great story, fantastic world and interesting characters, this game stands as an easy winner. It's not the most pretty game out there but it takes something new further on, and that is what we are after.  
The dialog-system isn't that deep as the companies earlier project - but this just shows how many different ways thay can handle it and still make it mindblowing.  
Game of The Year - Dragon Age: Origins"