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The first Q of 2009 and some words about Ninja Blade

I going to be honest now - I don’t like reading. Last week I’d bought two books to read in school and then review them for my media class. First out was Bret Easton Ellis American Phycho. After finishing that I’m going to read Mass Effect: Ascension, I guess it’ll be just in time for the release of Mass Effect 2.  Enough of books, Microsoft send out the Ninja Blade demos for the journalists earlier today and I want to write my thoughts about that.

I can’t even remember when the game was shown; it wasn’t that long ago so it came like a surprise for me that the codes came this early. One thing that I already hate about the game is when the interactive part comes in the cut scenes. It’s nothing wrong with pushing a button fast, but to keep you alert; every time you are close to these parts the camera zooms in on your dudes eyes. It’s always the same clip and believe me – after ten times is just annoying.  The graphics were all right, the weapons were cool and the animations were good. That’s it for Ninja Blade, I am not completely sold yet, we’ll see though.

So now to the serious part: I have to say that almost every game, released this year, turned out to be disappointment. My two favorite games this year are Halo Wars and Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned. I know, it’s two Xbox 360 exclusives but that have nothing to do with that. I am not saying that these to games are better then Killzone 2, Street Fighter 4 and other games. What I am saying is that I completed Killzone 2 and put it on the shelves, I played Street Fighter 4 a little while and then I realized that it’s fun with friends, otherwise it’s just frustrating.

Skate 2 was the first big release of 2009 and that was also the first disappointment. While the skateboarding was completely amazing the world, storyline and the walking was horrible. I am a skater, and I can say straight away that San Vanelona is so not a skater’s heaven… I loved the original Skate, the sequel, not so much.

Since Skate 2 we’ve got – Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost And Damned, Killzone 2, Halo Wars, Warhammer 40 000: Dawn of War II, Street Fighter 4, Empire: Total War and Silent Hill: Homecoming (Finally!). Of all these games, I only enjoyed two and this line-up should be quiet amazing. I guess that the best are still to be released, and I hope that those games are going to be more fun then the ones I just wrote.

What do you think about the first Q of 2009? And what games are you looking forward to? 



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Edited By Fruitcocoa

I going to be honest now - I don’t like reading. Last week I’d bought two books to read in school and then review them for my media class. First out was Bret Easton Ellis American Phycho. After finishing that I’m going to read Mass Effect: Ascension, I guess it’ll be just in time for the release of Mass Effect 2.  Enough of books, Microsoft send out the Ninja Blade demos for the journalists earlier today and I want to write my thoughts about that.

I can’t even remember when the game was shown; it wasn’t that long ago so it came like a surprise for me that the codes came this early. One thing that I already hate about the game is when the interactive part comes in the cut scenes. It’s nothing wrong with pushing a button fast, but to keep you alert; every time you are close to these parts the camera zooms in on your dudes eyes. It’s always the same clip and believe me – after ten times is just annoying.  The graphics were all right, the weapons were cool and the animations were good. That’s it for Ninja Blade, I am not completely sold yet, we’ll see though.

So now to the serious part: I have to say that almost every game, released this year, turned out to be disappointment. My two favorite games this year are Halo Wars and Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned. I know, it’s two Xbox 360 exclusives but that have nothing to do with that. I am not saying that these to games are better then Killzone 2, Street Fighter 4 and other games. What I am saying is that I completed Killzone 2 and put it on the shelves, I played Street Fighter 4 a little while and then I realized that it’s fun with friends, otherwise it’s just frustrating.

Skate 2 was the first big release of 2009 and that was also the first disappointment. While the skateboarding was completely amazing the world, storyline and the walking was horrible. I am a skater, and I can say straight away that San Vanelona is so not a skater’s heaven… I loved the original Skate, the sequel, not so much.

Since Skate 2 we’ve got – Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost And Damned, Killzone 2, Halo Wars, Warhammer 40 000: Dawn of War II, Street Fighter 4, Empire: Total War and Silent Hill: Homecoming (Finally!). Of all these games, I only enjoyed two and this line-up should be quiet amazing. I guess that the best are still to be released, and I hope that those games are going to be more fun then the ones I just wrote.

What do you think about the first Q of 2009? And what games are you looking forward to?