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Wait a sec, GB, WTF? YOU FAIL!

So I don't really use GB a whole lot, but I was interested today when I saw they they did a review for Civilization Revolution. What shocked me right away was in the very first paragraph which is below........

It's not a seamless transition, but Civilization Revolution is a mostly successful effort to bring Sid Meier's celebrated strategy series to consoles

"While I have no prior first-hand experience with Sid Meier's Civilization series, I feel confident in saying that Civilization Revolution is a game not intended for established Civilization fans. Developed specifically for consoles, Revolution streamlines much of the intricacies of Sid Meier's beloved PC turn-based strategy series to make for a much more accessible experience."

Anybody else see something weird with that statement? How can somebody have "no prior first-hand experience" with other Civ games, say that this game is not intended for established Civ fans? He also said Revolution was "streamlined" HOW exactly does he know if he never played the games before?

He also went on to say " Some of the simplifications feel a little arbitrary" Again, if he never played the other civ games, how can he compare?

Then this...... "While Sid Meier has been quoted as saying that this is the Civilization game he always wanted to make, Revolution's got plenty of shortcomings"  Sorry GB review man, you opinion means nothing to me when according to you, you never played the other Civ games so you have no grounds for comparision.

I know I am being harsh, but isn't this one of the big things that people hated over at GS? Reviewers  that either never played previous games, or did not like a particular type of game in the first place?