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Why is Greenland so attractive for tourists?

Hi, there! My name is Gina. I'm an American-born outdoor blogger and photographer. I'm a passionate visual storyteller and traveler. I’ve already visited more than 40 countries, had many adventures there and I share it in my blog with great pleasure. Last year I've been in Greenland and. I'd like to share with you about this amazing place.

With a population that makes it the most sparsely populated country and the largest non-continental island on Earth, Greenland truly stands out as a separate, autonomous world and one of the most beautiful corners of our planet.

Transport in Greenland is unusual, but not impossible. There are few roads between the cities, so if you want to explore it, you can get there by boat or plane; in addition, there is dog sledding, which is considered one of the most unusual outdoor activities.

The best way for me to explore Greenland was to go on an expedition here with Poseidon Expeditions by - we climbed mountains and descended hills, sea kayaking, exploring the icebergs around us, photographing winding fjords, tidal glaciers and whales.

When you travel to Greenland, one of the top things to have on your list is whale watching. In fact, most fjords will melt by May, so June and July are usually the best times for iceberg cruises to see these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat! You can also see various species such as humpback whales, minke whales and fin whales, and sometimes, if you're lucky, killer whales and sperm whales.

Icebergs are perhaps the most impressive feature of this region. These colossal fantastic shapes, blue and white with a hint of brown or black, cover the vast expanse of a sea so deep you can't even imagine sailing past it. The crackling they make when heated reminds me how fragile everything really is; one wrong step can break an entire ice floe into tiny pieces, which then break into other islands, forming new "globules" before seeping under the water again...

Imagine a country of pure, unadulterated beauty. The green mountains are covered with lush greenery and wildflowers; they seem to last forever! There are also breathtaking fjords that offer the perfect views for taking photos or just watching the wildlife swim by below you, while the seaside cliffs and skyscrapers soar into the sky at every turn - it really feels like an endless journey both underwater and over the water with all those incredible sights waiting around every corner.

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