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Almost there....What A Year its been


So if you've followed my blogs this school year, then you'll know I've had one hell of a year. The school year started as many do, with me lementing the fact that I was to  return to more pointless learning. I was starting at a new school for Filmmaking (Problem #1). I've had trouble describing the type of kids at the school, so I'll try my best to explain.
If you watch American Idol, then you'll obviously know who the Second Place Winner is. Adam Lambert. All the kids at the school were like Adams...boys and girls..

This is Adam...and yes they looked like that too...
This is Adam...and yes they looked like that too...

So Yeah..Um

While I was there, I got massive stomach problems where I was throwing up several times a day, and I couldn't go to the bathroom. I was miserable.

So I transferred schools, to my local school where all of my friends that I've known for over eight years are. (Good Choice)
The problem was I didn't have a locker the first day, and I had to carry all my books in my backpack. The only problem is...Well I hurt my shoulder kinda badly. I tore the Labrem lifting the packback wrong. (mistake #2)
This led to a total of six doctors appointments, and one month of physical therapy, until they deemed it nesscesary for me to get surgery. So Dec. 31st of this year I got shoulder surgery. (mistake #3)

Yeah it was a big deal...
Yeah it was a big deal...


After the surgery I had to have another two months of physical therapy.
So after all of that BS I figured well okay, I'm almost till Summer...I'll make it.
Well I got the a bad way. (mistake #4) I was out of school for an entire week with a fever ranging from 102.5-104 for four days.

I finally got better and got back to school, where I had three days to makeup all the work and tests that I missed, before the third quarter ended...
This led to me getting some ugly grades on my report card (by my standards).

So its May and I say..."Okay 30 days and I'm done with this." Well Last week on monday I was taking an exam, and I dropped my pencil on the ground. The bell rang and our teacher said to leave our Answer sheet and Test Questions on our desk, so I pick up my pencil, and without looking grab my scratch paper and throw it in my backpack. Unbeknown to me my Scratch paper was on top of my test questions, so I accidentally slid those in there also. Next period the Dean of the School comes to me and says that I have a copy of my science exam, which I deny having, until they open my backpack and find the test in there. They check my cell phone for pictures and texts, but nothing was on there. I was freaking out, because they were saying it could've been a 10 Day out of School Suspension. The Dean and Principal believed my story that it was an accident (thank God), and they give me three days of In School Suspension, which is just three full days of sitting in the Cafeteria doing absolutely nothing (boring as hell). I finish that, and have an uneventful week this week, and now only have Seven school days left till summer, and the last three are shortened due to exams.

You're probably wondering how I made it through this inspirationally hard year I've had, well it's been two things sex and's been God,  friends, games, and GIANTBOMB!!! And all that stuff I told you is true, so (this may sound cheesy) remeber me when you feel like killing yourself, and don't think that there's no tunnel at the end of the light....I mean...(wow real inspirational) No Light at the end of the tunnel keep pushing forward and you'll eventually perservere through it all.

I mean I've had an awesome school year of games. Mercs 2 (not really) The Force Unleashed, COD WAW, Fallout 3, Gears 2, Fable II, MK vs. DC, GTA IV, and soon to be Resident Evil 5, and Bioshock...

No to brighten your future think of the next school year:

COD MW 2, Assasins Creed 2, Bioshock 2, Mass Effect 2, Halo 3 Recon, Bad Company 2, Alpha Protocol, GOW III, Mafia II, and more... There's always somethign to look forward to. I'm hear to attest to that...Don't Stop believing..

To quote the great Winston Churchill, "When you're going through Hell keep going...."
