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#1  Edited By golguin

I'm sure it's been mentioned plenty of times already, but I think something in the vein of Mean Girls would be appropriate for a female Bully protagonist.

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#2  Edited By golguin

The allusions to the beginning of Bioshock are all there right down to the final mode of transportation to the place. I wont specify since people are saying they don't want to be spoiled despite the topic clearly stating there are spoilers in here.

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#3  Edited By golguin

The game has line of sigh issues. I experienced a good number of them while I played the game where I could trace a straight line to the target and somehow the game didn't register as being able to see it.

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#4  Edited By golguin

@Phatmac said:

@dungbootle said:

Here's the page in some different lighting

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Yep, she still looks like a dumb FF character.

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It reminds me of this.

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#5  Edited By golguin

@Aterons said:

I really wanted to like Dark Souls but i couldn't find a reason to, it felt mainly like an open world single player wow raid.

The only purpose was killing time-consuming trash and "bosses" to get items. The plot was minimalistic in game and for a PC-game I felt like the combat system lacked. I never saw a real reason to play this instead of modded skyrim or wow if I just wanted to go in,kill shit and get loot.

I hope that they actually get rid of the DRM that made it unplayable in my country without getting it cracked, make a combat system that fells good on PC and maybe just fucking maybe add a bit of "on the side" lore and some good graphics.

This games felt like a game I should enjoy greatly and sink hundreds of hours into when i heard the concept and than I only played maybe 10 before becoming sad :( Really hope 2 manages to redeem the series for me because I really try to fucking like those games !

I don't even know where to start. I'll just say play it again?

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#6  Edited By golguin

Picture is pretty bad quality, but I can make out what clearly looks like armor. I like armor.

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#7  Edited By golguin

There will be a future title with the Persona 3 and 4 gang. There would be no point in hinting at the future shadow hunting work for the gang and Elizabeth's new journey if there was nothing in the future. It might be in Persona 4 or another game, but it will happen. It kinda reminds me of how the Kingdom Hearts series turned into a huge keyblade wielder recruitment program to face off against the big bad in KH3. It's crazy how much plot happened outside of the numbered games KH1 and KH2.

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#8  Edited By golguin

@Dogma said:

I don't know why but one of my favorite moments was a couple of year ago when Brad got everyone to agree that Silent HIll: Shattered Memories should win best Wii game? They had to pause, let Brad talk about the games ending offf the record and when they got back they all seemed totally stunned and flabbergasted. I really thought that sense of supprise was a cool thing to happen in that podcast.

Anyone else remember that moment?

I remember it, but what I don't remember is if I had beaten the game before or after that discussion. The game has an amazing ending and it literally left me with my mouth open as I stared in disbelief. I can't think of any other game that had a twist ending that well crafted. All the story beats supporting the ending where in the game and I just didn't see them until I knew the truth.

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#9  Edited By golguin

@AuthenticM said:

@Humanity said:

Haha good luck there. We all know that when it comes to GOTY then Brad just removes his ears and common sense and is literally like a wall. When he was pushing Skyrim for GOTY he would not acknowledge ANY shortcomings even when they were technical nuances that hundreds of people had experienced, he flat out denied them. I'm just curious what will Brad champion this year. Also wondering who will defend Journey to hell and back - the easy answer is Patrick but I might be surprised.

No he didn't. He was acknowledging all of them and saying that the game deserved the award in spite of them since it was so good. Besides, the gang has even said in the official GotY video that the award did not apply to the PS3 version, which is where all of the severe problems were.

Except for him pushing Red Dead over Mass Effect 2 in 2010, Brad, to me, has always been the voice of reason when it came to award deliberations; not just for the GotY. Him siding with Minerva's Den over trigger-happy Shadow Broker is a good example of this. I honestly have no idea what game he's going to push for this year, but I am predicting that the major head-butting will not be between Jeff and Brad, but with Jeff and Patrick. Patrick has clearly hinted that he intends on pushing The Walking Dead while Jeff has clearly showed that he doesn't want any of it. I think he'll vouch for XCOM himself, so will Ryan. Now that I think about it, it's possible that Brad will push for Journey.

In any case, I don't want The Walking Dead to win the GotY award. People who are putting this game on the same level as old-school Sierra or Telltale games such as Monkey Island are insane. TWD is basically the Call of Duty of adventure games; it's a thrill-ride where the player doesn't do jack shit except push the stick in one direction with the occasional shitty QTE. XCOM is the clear 2012 GotY in my mind.

The thing about XCOM is that it only has one thing going for it and that's gameplay. TWD is on the opposite end of the spectrum with story as its main focus. The difference is that TWD executes on its main focus like no other game has done before while XCOM runs out of steam on its gameplay about halfway through the game. I feel like the people praising XCOM as GOTY played a completely different game from me.

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#10  Edited By golguin

"Miyazaki: Although as far as the game is concerned I think we could have done a little more with the character. He's the last boss and the concept of the character was to have the player use all the skills they'd developed through the game. I wanted them to have to use everything they've learned in order to beat him. The reason that he uses such a simple single sword fighting style stems from this concept, but in the end we ended up taking a different direction.

Waragai: Parry, parry, parry. Haha"

Fortunately the "Gwyn" style of boss was fixed by Artorias and he was great.