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Best of 2011

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  • Skyward Sword is not quite what I expected, in a few ways. First, the graphics are very inspired by a watercolour painting, which threw me off to the extent that I bought component cables for the game. Second, the game is super de duper long for a Zelda game. The complaints about beginning slow are founded, and the constant guidance by the spirit in the sword, Fi, can get very grating, but the game is unapologetic about being a Zelda game. And that last point is why I honestly wouldn't change much.

  • Here's a fighting game I can finally get behind. The last two years of attempting to get into a fighting game, to the point where I can noticeably say there is a payoff on the effort I put in, have been fairly fruitless, with the exception of Mortal Kombat. It is incredibly rewarding to play a game, and notice when mechanics begin to click in your mind, extend to your fingers, and are displayed in the game, allowing you to progress so much further than you thought possible, and almost no game does that better this year then this one.

  • I enjoyed Forza 3 to such an extent that I entered into a kind of meditative state when playing it. I would come home from a stressful day, and lose my brain into a world of not so clean passes, sharp turns, and the hum of a Ferrari engine. Forza 4 fills that same place in my heart, but updates the graphics, and presents to me a very new reason to play, with a set of amazing multiplayer modes, such as Top Gear inspired car soccer.

  • It's extremely hard for me to care about the characters and the stories in shooters like these, but Gears 3 managed to make something that not only touched on mankind's impossible struggle for control, but placed some fairly humanizing moments for its recurring characters into it. It's hard to imagine a Gears game with moments like the ending, so huge congratulations to Epic for making it work.

  • Deus Ex didn't catch me as much as it would have, had I played the previous Deus Ex games. Outsourced boss fights making stealth or hacking focused builds useless didn't help. That doesn't mean, however, that I didn't have a very good time playing it. The mileau, the mood, and the story weaved their way together extremely well, creating an experience akin to listening to an 80's song for the first time, in a genre I already enjoy.