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I Interviewed Jeff Gerstmann, Patrick Klepek, and Greg Kasavin

And more! These were shot at PAX Prime in 2011 for my site

I've been going to PAX since 2007 (when I was 18) dreaming of someday wearing a press badge. I think anyone who's a fan of this site holds a serious respect for games journalism, and even if we don't really intend on being journalists ourselves we think it would be cool to work for a site and go to events and have the opportunity to really discuss games seriously. Well, last January I started working to build my own video game site Arcademia (a combination of the words "arcade" and "academia"), heavily inspired by Extra Credits, to be "Gamasutra for consumers."

I have a looooooot of work left to do, but it's made much easier considering I was able, in just under 7 months, to become notable enough to get press passes to PAX, and once I was there all my heroes (the whole reason I wanted to be there in the first place) were gracious enough to let me interview them.

I am so fucking psyched for 2012. There's a chance that I might be able to go to E3!