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Meat, Death, Mega Fetus!

Little stumpy head scribble by Edmund McMillen!
Little stumpy head scribble by Edmund McMillen!

Totally got my Meat Boy figure in the post today, he is awesome. Totally got an extra Team Meat sticker and a phone charm thingy. (?) Man, I <3 Team Meat!

Getting the D6 re-roll item upgrade changed everything.
Getting the D6 re-roll item upgrade changed everything.

Finally got all the endings of The Binding of Isaac. I kept getting to Satan only to be murdered by his goat leg form. If I have a little complaint about the difficulty in that game it is definitely that boss. It's not the easiest thing to get to him and he has four forms, and learning his attacks the first few times you get to him will most likely get you murdered.

I had the luckiest run last night though, Rage, rainbow baby, little chad, rock, triple shot, blessed, big bullets, coal and Mom's pearl which meant I was constantly getting hearts in Sheol which is a rarity... in the final room a slot machine dropped The Tick and that drops bosses health by 15%. It is almost like the game knew to give me a break ( I highly doubt it was anything but luck) as I was one step away from giving up trying to beat Satan.

Beating Isaac in the cathedral was kinda easy, I did it first time.