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sunday Roundup of all the things I have played this week

I thought this would be a good thing to do..not that anyone really cares what i am playing but I  have never  kept any kind of Game-blog before.

(none of it will be in any kind of order)

Elefunk demo (PSN). HORRIBLE, maybe, possibly i am thick but i couldnt even work out the first puzzle on this armadillorun esque puzzle game

1942 demo (XBL) For some strange reason I assumed this was going to be awesome, i am very fond of shmups and i assumed i was gonna like this so much that i forced myself into buying it... I am one of the silly few duped into buying commando 3 for the ryu-ken nonstop hadoooooouuken festage  beta... that said... this is rather boring.

Pixeljunk eden demo (PSN) I am in love with this game, it has a beautiful artstyle and really good soundtrack and it plays really well after getting to grips with the controls. i think the demo sold it... which is what demos should always do.

Lego indiana jones (360) helped  my friend find some of the harder treasure chests in the game... why is indiana jones one of the worst characters to use in the game???? BAZOOKA TROOPER  ALL THE WAY!

GTAIV (360) i helped same friend shoot some more of the pigeons with my heavily numbered map and played some online stuff... how is it most people can kill me all the way across the map now from about a mile away??? is is also the most horrible hive of scum and villiany in the universe... have you ever heard about  10 people all shouting racial and homophobic abuse at each other all at once... for a full 30 minutes??? I have and i was disgusted, saddened, annoyed.. I am just bewildered by the way people talk... not 14 year olds but adults and  older teens.
Me and my friend also had a lot of fun on freeplay we went to burger shot  but I wasnt satisfied until i got some cluckin bell... we took hostages..and then i blew my friend up with an RPG.

GRAW2 (360) games for fun and not points????? what has the world come to... i forgot how beautiful this game is and how well it plays. I really love graw 2's single player campaign, its really rather exciting and has an awesome musical score.

I think thats about it... me and my friend are thinking about going halves of soulcalibur IV because I and i chose because i  make better decisions (fact)... mostly just so we can beat dudes up as yoda.. a really lame reason? probably.. It looks ace though. and im not even that much of a fighting game fan.. the closest thing i have to a fighter (not including mk3 on xbla) is senko no ronde and thats not really defineable in any genre. I used to go nots for fighters and only fighers... i wonder what happened