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Moving On

 *Edit* *Don't worry about me. I'm fine and nothing super serious is going on so everything is okay. I'll just have a lot on my plate for a long time and it has to do with setting myself up for the future.*
I just wanted to write this blog to say that I'm not going to be logging on here for a very long time. I don't want to say ever again because I don't know what is going to happen. There are things in my life that I need to give more attention to than video games and it's going to hit me harder than ever very soon. Even though I will always be playing games, I just won't have any time to do any of this stuff anymore.
So with that said, I would just like to say that it was nice meeting you all. You may have noticed that I deleted yous off my 360 friends list because my live is going to run out soon and I probably can't renew it because I won't have the money or time. Nothing personal. Take care and live great lives.