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I got lost in Smoldering Lake for like four hours. I would get really far into the area, die to a weird fire demon, and then forget how I got there while I'd get sidetracked by an item or an illusory wall or fighting the knight dude.

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#2  Edited By hatumex

Yes, the characters are so fleshed out that Persona 4 felt like a part of my life while I was playing it, and when I watched the endurance run afterward.

The good news is Persona 5 will be out this year, so look forward to a whole new adventure!

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I really really like the Lothric fight actually, it's my favorite for a reason I can't quite put my finger on. It only took me four tries but it felt like this grueling thing that really could go either way each time.

@random45 said:

I voted for The Abyss Watchers. It was a really fun fight, but the Soul of Cinder comes in a REALLY close second place, followed closely by the Twin Prince boss fight.

The Nameless King is the only boss I didn't fight, and I bet it's that way with a majority of the fan base. The only people who managed to find him on their first time were the people using guides.

Yeah nameless king I did not find until New Game+ when I was using a guide, Archdragon Peak is hidden pretty well.

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  1. D4! I want this on the overall game of the year list, it's too good.
  2. Lightning Returns, best single player FF game since 10 in my opinion.
  3. Persona Q, really enjoy it so far but I did like Etrian Odyssey IV
  4. Transistor, probably my number 2 GOTY absolutely love this game.
  5. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, No doubt my GOTY 2014. Adored the original and this one is even better. I just want someone on staff to side with Patrick that this game is really really good.

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#5  Edited By hatumex

@bugbarbecue: I agree with most of what you've said. While I would probably be buds with him if I knew him, and there's no doubt he has a passion for what he does, I think his constant shutting down of things he doesn't know about is bad for content. Every time I hear him make make a negative joke about something he knows someone else likes I get a little more annoyed and it limits my enjoyment of whatever he's in.