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PSX 2015 - A Show For Gamers?

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Like many, I was skeptical when Sony announced PlayStation Experience. With so many PAX shows across the US, not to mention international shows such as Gamescom, Rezzed, PAX Australia and Freeplay, it felt as though another show that was entirely focused on one platform would be a waste of time.

This year I made the trip out to San Francisco (some 27 hours of travel from my country) to see what the fuss was all about. When I arrived, I found a show with a very distinctive feel, a show that wasn't about pushing big release dates, or competition for the latest greatest innovaton. Instead I found a show that was a celebration of a platform that has been around for twenty years, a platform that started championing indie development on home consoles, a platform that gamers are content to call home.

PlayStation Experience 2015 was definitely for the gamers. Two floors of the bustling Moscone Centre was filled to the brim with upcoming and just released AAA power houses, not to mention a healthy slathering of intriguing indies. The line to play Nuclear Throne was just as long as people lining up to play some Star Wars: Battlefront, and to see Devolver Digital and Double Fine have a booth that rivalled the size of World of Tanks was a testament to just how far indie development has come in the past decade.

The big standout of the event was PlayStation VR, which was a force to be reckoned with. The second floor of the centre was littered with VR stations which were showing off full games, not just tech demos. For the first time ever at a convention, the prospect and reminder that VR is a real thing that is going to be happening very soon, began to sink in. People were lining up for hours to sit in the pilots chair of a mech in RIGS, or to jump into a combat sortie in EVE Valkyrie. Everyone that I asked at the show said that one of the VR games was their standout experience, that they were a believer in our virtual futures, and that Sony had more than sold them on the concept.

Perhaps the most important thing about PSX was the community spirit. Everyone I met was there for one reason - their love of PlayStation. I met fans where were rocking classic 1995 PSX shirts, others who had worked on the PS2 development teams before moving on to other companies, and people who picked up their first gaming console with the PS3 or PS4. There were even some hardcore Vita fans (albeit not too many), and they were just happy to have an event to call home. An event that celebrated a platform that has been there for most of their lives.

The skeptic in me wants to run screaming that PlayStation Experience is nothing more than a marketing scam, a way for Sony to sell their wares to the masses. That may be somewhat true, especially when planting the seed for VR amongst their biggest supporters, however I feel it's more than that. It felt like a genuine attempt for this larger than life corporation to touch base with their fans, to share a moment, even just for a weekend, to reflect on the year that has been, and what lays ahead for their platform.