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Heavy Hitter

I've been promising myself that someday I'd beat the hard drum tour since I started it more than three months ago. Well, that has finally happened. I finally beat Run to the Hills today and the Heavy Hitter achievement became mine. I'm still very good at hard or expert by any means, but I have come a long way since I first got the game way back in December. Back then I could only three or four star the first tier songs on medium difficulty. In a little over seven months I have gone from that to being able to five star some of the songs in the fifth and six tiers on expert. So yeah, I'm pretty pleased with myself. I'm currently stuck on one song in the sixth tier on the expert drum tour, but hopefully with a little practice I'll be able to beat it and move on to the seventh.

[Update] I just gold starred my first song on drums as well.

It feels good to be a heavy hitter.
It feels good to be a heavy hitter.
Aww yeah!
Aww yeah!