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Half way through the year, 20 games completed.

I set out this year to a different goal than last year, because I didn't really have a goal last year. I just kind of played what I wanted, this time last year I had beat about 4 games as I just spent my time fucking around with Black Ops. This year I took a long hard look at the games I own, I looked at how many games I had in my collection and decided I really need to start playing some of these!

So thats what I have done, I separated my completed games from uncompleted games, so as to make myself want to complete more games so I can add them to the completed shelf. I have also not been buying every new release that came about, where as last year any game I had the slightest bit of interest in i would just buy it and then play it months later or it would just never get played. Since January I have beaten 20 games, I am very proud with my accomplishments and wish to show them off.

1. BrĂ¼tal Legend

This was a fantastic first game to beat this year, I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed it. It was sat on my shelf for a year and I finally got round to it this year, I loved the RTS style missions and the soundtrack was great. Although I had a terrible time on the last mission in the game, it took me a day to beat it which ultimately made the end experience not as good. 4/5

2. Killzone 3

It was a fun game, it wasn't an amazing game and I didn't really touch the multiplayer, but it looks nice and plays nice. 4/5

3. Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

This was a simple weekend game, very simple mechanics but don't let that make you think it's a bad thing, loved my time with it. 4/5

4. Metal Gear Solid HD Collection

I had such a cool time with this collection. I am a huge MGS nerd and I have played MGS1, MGS2, MGS3 loads of times. So I finished MGS2 and MGS3 over the course of two weekends being reminded how awesome those games are. I had not played MGS Peace Walker before though, I was skeptical at first but ended up really enjoying my time with the game, it has a fantastic story and was the most I had been engaged with the gameplay from a MGS game before. 5/5

5. The Darkness II

I was surprised this was happening, I mean I personally enjoyed the first Darkness but I assumed nobody else did due to the lack of a sequel. But here we are 2012 and we have a Darkness game, I am happy to say I had a great time with it. It was kinda short and at times very hard, but it had a nice style and I enjoyed the gameplay and Mike Patton was back in action! 4/5

6. 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand


7. Journey

flOw was one of the first PSN games I got, I was one of the people that liked flOw. Then Flower came out and I really liked that too and knew I had found a company I could follow. Journey came out and man it blew me away, I was speechless during the end scene and I really felt then it was one of the best games I had ever played. 5/5

8. Mass Effect 3

I had the ending spoiled to me from my sister who beat it before me, but despite that I still was happy playing through the game and was happy with the ending. The game itself was also a blast and at times it gets very emotional. 5/5

9. Driver: San Francisco

It has a slow start but when it ramps up it ramps the fuck up, and how about that boss battle! 4/5

10. Darksiders

I've never been a huge fan of Zelda games, but Darksiders really does improve a lot of the little things that Zelda does poorly, got me excited for Darksiders 2. 4/5

11. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

Not as good as the original and it felt like nothing really happened, I don't think the first one really needed a sequel. 2/5

12. Vanquish

Another weekend game, I did burn out on the game towards the end and I really thought they could have used a few new environments but all in all nice simple game. 3/5

13. Twisted Metal

I never played the original games but was glad I took the risk as I enjoyed myself with both the single player and multiplayer. 4/5

14. Grand Theft Auto IV

So I never beat this when it came out, I spent far to much time on the multiplayer and never got past the first two missions. The driving really put me off and I just never played it. I decided I should just play through it this year because I want to play the next on, so I buckled down and spent a good few weeks playing through it. I feel bad now that I never gave it a chance before, I had a good time. 4/5

15. Minecraft

I beat that fucking dragon! 5/5

16. Max Payne 3

Some people seem to not like this game, but screw them I really had a good time with this game. I hadn't even played any of the original games and I still loved this game. 5/5

17. Asura's Wrath

You should play this game! 5/5

18. Syndicate

Had a good time with it, liked the chip mechanics and the sound was great as were the visuals. Story didn't really grab me and I had no idea what was going on up until I met that girl at the end of the game. 4/5

19. Sorcery

A game that I really enjoyed and a game that I doubt anybody else will ever play, such a shame. 4/5

20. Prince of Persia

Totally not what I was expecting, despite a few frustrating parts was pleasantly surprised at the good mixture of combat, platforming and story. 4/5

I will show you this list again during my 2012 Awards,hopefully by then I would have completed 20 more. How many games have you beaten this year?