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Controller versus:360 controller VS. DualShock 3

Lets start this off with ergonomy shall we?


By this,i don't also mean the quality of the buttons,but just how the controller feels like in your hand. They're both pretty much the same size,and ergonomy. However the 360 controller is sorta kinda better,due to the trigger buttons having dents in them and for that reason you have a place to put your finger on,and chances are,you aren't going to accidentally press the trigger,while with the PS3 controller,that will happen 100%!
Winner:360 Controller

Button Quality

Well,they both have pretty much the same quality of buttons,with one exception. Yes,the very thing that has played the 360 from the beginning-its god awful d-pad! I just can't begin to describe how much it sucks! Fighting games are extremely difficult to play on it,not unplayable,but hard as hell! Also,the PS3's buttons have more of a grip to them!

Button placement

There isn't much philosophy here-the 360 wins due to the analog stick being placed on top of the d-pad,and it makes playing FPS and such games much easier!
Winner:360 controller
And now for the final category....


Well,while the DualShock 3 is definitely more sleek,there is also a lot of colors you can get the 360 controller in. Still,the DualShock 3 looks next-gen,and is the definite  winner in this category
Hmmm...First the 360 won,then the PS3,then 360 and now PS3.....
So,what is it? Their practicality! I guess the PS3 is sorta better,since its smaller,lighter and all models are wireless and not just some...
So i guess the DualShock 3 wins! Keep in mind its only my opinion!