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Breaking stuff

I've been playing some Red Faction: Guerrilla over the past week, and I love the way everything can be destroyed. The sledgehammer is your best friend, and there are virtually no obstacles that can't be driven through. 
It reminds me of what I liked about Crysis: punching down shacks and shooting palm trees. Spawning a tornado next to a house in the level editor and watching the physics engine at work.
As far as the side-missions go in RF:G, the destruction targets are the best. And, while frustrating, it can be pretty funny when you get crushed by the falling rubble that used to be your target. I'm reminded of Battlefield: Bad Company's focus on explosions and the destruction of walls. While I like the way BF:BC does it, the walls break in more of a cookie-cutter fashion, compared to the dynamic, physics-based destruction in RF:G.
I'm not at all familiar with the other Red Faction games, but I am very familiar with the first Saints Row and some of Saints Row 2, other open-world games made by Volition. While playing RF:G and thinking back to Saints Row, I notice a lot of similarities in...well, jank. It's part open world jank, and part Volition-Saints-Row-style jank.



How do I spend time while home from college for a day? What better way than getting the six multiplayer skulls in Halo 3?
I won't confirm nor deny the use of guides in getting these.
But seriously, I used guides.