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I'm cheating this year, GOTY is going to be a little late so I can play more games.

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#1  Edited By Hunter5024

I've sent in like 5 or 6 emails over the years and I never heard back about any of them. I don't remember what any of them were but I'm sure they were awesome.

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#2  Edited By Hunter5024

Whenever bums ask me for money I give them the change in my pocket. Also when I was twelve I gave a homeless guy 5 bucks. I know they probably just spend it on drugs but ehh. I never actually thought someone would pay me back though... That would never happen.

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#3  Edited By Hunter5024

@Aegon said:

Another quote from the interview:

@TetsuyaNomura said:

That being said, with a series being around so long, there are a few items I have in mind so that a wider audience range can enjoy the experience.

A little late on the reply... but doesn't every game developer ever say that about every game they make... ever?

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#4  Edited By Hunter5024

@RandyF said:

My body will not allow me to go without buying any new Mario platformer that comes out. I've read some reviews, and most people are complaining that it's more of the same. Yeah, that's probably true, but if I look at it as a glorified giant Mario level pack, I'm in. Just the act of playing a Mario game is fun, even if it's the same type of fun, as long as there are enough new, challenging levels, I'll be happy.

On a side note, Jim Sterling of Destructoid counted Peach getting kidnapped again as a negative and criticized other reviewers that ignore it. I think he's crazy. You're not going into a Mario game for the rich narrative. If Peach getting kidnapped gives me enough context to run from left to right, that's enough for me. If all three Mass Effect games started off with the council getting kidnapped, then you might have something.

HA Jim Sterling. Next time he'll be complaining about too much jumping.

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#5  Edited By Hunter5024

@GunslingerPanda said:

@Hunter5024 said:

@GunslingerPanda said:

@Hunter5024 said:

I don't care either. I wish I did though. And it's not that I don't understand what's happening with the plot, it's that I don't care. Really I just think all of my good will was completely burnt up by 358/2 days. Maybe I should've given Birth by Sleep a shot. This used to be one of my favorite series, and now I don't know what I'd feel if they finally announced a Kingdom Hearts 3 as it seems they soon will.

You definitely should have given BBS a shot. I was the same after Days, I did not give a shit any more, but everything since has been amazing.

Damn it... If I did play it, what order is it best to play the characters in? My friend said he was bored to tears by this game, though he thinks this may be a result of him choosing Terra first.

I think Terra->Ventus->Aqua was mostly considered the "canon" route, but there's not really anything stopping you from playing in any order. Maybe just start with whoever seems the coolest to you?

Thanks, I think I'll give it a try, because it really is a shame that I don't care for the series anymore.

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#6  Edited By Hunter5024

@Hailinel said:

@Hunter5024 said:

@Hailinel: Anyways while were on the subject, does that DLC seem super important? I never played it.

It's about half an hour long and basically shows FFXIII-2's ending from Lightning's perspective, and how she ends up crystalized.

The meat of the gameplay is a giant boss battle against Caius in which Lightning has access to a host of unique paradigm roles like Paladin, Knight, Shaman and so on.

Well that actually sounds pretty cool. I'll download it and see if maybe it gets me a little more pumped for this news. Thanks duder.

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#7  Edited By Hunter5024

@GunslingerPanda said:

@Hunter5024 said:

I don't care either. I wish I did though. And it's not that I don't understand what's happening with the plot, it's that I don't care. Really I just think all of my good will was completely burnt up by 358/2 days. Maybe I should've given Birth by Sleep a shot. This used to be one of my favorite series, and now I don't know what I'd feel if they finally announced a Kingdom Hearts 3 as it seems they soon will.

You definitely should have given BBS a shot. I was the same after Days, I did not give a shit any more, but everything since has been amazing.

Damn it... If I did play it, what order is it best to play the characters in? My friend said he was bored to tears by this game, though he thinks this may be a result of him choosing Terra first.

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#8  Edited By Hunter5024

I just really wish this whole move situation would stop having such a negative effect on the site. It's cut the variety of content drastically. It's been nothing but a bummer so far.

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#9  Edited By Hunter5024

@Hailinel: Anyways while were on the subject, does that DLC seem super important? I never played it.

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#10  Edited By Hunter5024

I don't care either. I wish I did though. And it's not that I don't understand what's happening with the plot, it's that I don't care. Really I just think all of my good will was completely burnt up by 358/2 days. Maybe I should've given Birth by Sleep a shot. This used to be one of my favorite series, and now I don't know what I'd feel if they finally announced a Kingdom Hearts 3 as it seems they soon will.