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Games I played in 2024, woah

It's 2024 baby!

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  • 2023. "Cinematic Platformer" inspired by Flashback. The low pixel aesthetic was initially a bit hard on the eyes but the smooth animation and environmental variety makes up for a lot of it. Generally did good job feeling weighty in its movement as well though some transitions wen pulling out your gun was difficult for me to deal with. Some of the writing wasn't so good, though maybe it was also undercooked as a result of trying to be concise. Plot itself was kinda fun though.

    Using 3D models to achieve a sort of "rotoscoped" effect for cutscenes or incidental scenes such as pulling switches was also a neat Flashback callback, and helps give it the feel of the games it was inspired by. It does a lot with its limited mechanics from level to level and really achives having slow, heavy platforming that feels distinct from the more standardized platformer feel.

  • 2023. Another Cinematic Platformer. This one seems a bit more inspired by Another World, or perhaps newer ones such as Inside. There's no Hud and no combat and it has chapter select similar to Inside. It has very smooth transitions between gameplay or other animation, like a death scene, and a story told without words.

    I liked the pretty and moody scenes you were moving through and there's some really awesome looking animation in there as well. The game moves between timed platforming with the occasional chase scene and environmental exploration/puzzle solving. Both are satisfying due to the nice art and animation. Gameplay can get a bit trial and error in chase scenes but transitions between getting caught and restarting the next checkpoint are smooth so it doesn't get too frustrating.

    Ultimately it felt very effective in what it set out to do; tell a simple atmospheric story with a balanced gameplay challenge. It's got some creepy imagery and mystery and the sense of danger from a world bigger than you are, that this type of game really needs. A nice treat for someone like me who enjoys the genre.