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Damn you Fate!

You spit in my face again, Fate - you fickle son of a bitch.
'Remember when consoles used to live forever?' seemed to sit well with folk. So well in fact that my PS3 thought it would be hilariously ironic to YLOD on me again. I was having a throughly lovely time passing through Arkam on my way to Rapture. Sadly, I didn't get as far as Rapture. Or as far as the top of the elevator shaft I was moving up.
So, my shiny new copy of Bioshock 2 is sitting there. Completely useless. Flacid. Staring up at me and begging to be played. And my console is sat next to it. Blinking. Like a torturous red eye winking at me saying, "This is for daring to actually think about buying an Xbox 360 earlier this week you motherf**ker!" 
Well PS3, I am gunna get my heat gun and I will have the last laugh! I'll make you work for me just long enough to back up my system and then I will replace you with a newer, younger, better looking model. So f**k you.
I am having a pretty naff week so far...