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I'm still alive. Life is great. I love you all.

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1 Post

I've had a lot of people ask me, "jakob187, why do you only have 1 post when I see you trolling the fuck out of the forums"?  Usually I'll answer this with some silly bullshit like "because my posts are better than yours" or "because your mom" or whatever I can come up with (which is typically not as funny as my face in the mirror).

Either way, here's your explanation, folks:

It's glitched.

Simple as that.  When I signed up for GB, apparently it was on the same day as the summer solstice coming around while the Wicker Man festival was starting and I was listening to Green Day's Dookie backwards while watching Breakfast at Tiffany's...or something along those lines.  In turn, there was a freak electrical shock accident very much akin to Mel Gibson's in What Women Want (minus the whole dress-up shtick...I don't go out like that) and VWA-LA!  I only get 1 post.  I was at 0 posts for a long time, but I guess Jeff or Ryan or maybe even Snide (I know he's out to get me) tripped over the wrong cord that was keeping my posts from rising...and in turn, I got 1 post somehow.  I've begged for them to take it away, but they won't.  Well, they say they CAN'T...but I don't believe that.  = D

And honestly, I LIKE having no posts showing.  There are plenty of post whores on any forum board, and I like knowing that when I post, it's not because I'm trying to achieve a fucking number.  I don't even really want points.  Sure, it would be nice to do live edits, but whatever.  I'm cool with the mods looking through it (although I sadly don't contribute much and the mods probably hate having to approve shit).  If anything, I get messages from them and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

So you guys can continue to enjoy your post whoring and your numbers.  I'm hoping mine never rises.  If it does...I might just have to stop coming here.  o.O

Piece, fools.  Until next time...