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PvZ Zombies Gangnam Style

Hey, so this is were I ended up properly using those Gangnam Style dance moves I made Master Chief dance last week. I hope you'll enjoy this little video:

I used 3D Studio Max to model and animate and After Effects for some minor effects and polish,

Cheers! =D


Master Chief Gangnam Style (gifs)

I just finished animating some of the Gangnam Style dance moves. Made Master Chief dance them:

I used 3D Studio Max to model and animate. This Master Chief model is the one I used for my Halo Dance Central video. I thought these animations might be funny enough to post right now, but I'm also thinking of doing a proper animation video with some game characters dancing these and more moves. You know, just for fun, as always.

=D Cheers!


3DS XL - 3D Model

Here's my latest 3D model, the 3DS XL. =)

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More definition here.

Before you ask, I do this for fun, but these also sell relatively well online, a bonus for someone with a healthy gaming habit. =)



Majora's Mask 3D Model

Updated texture:

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I actually never played Majora's Mask - waiting for the 3DS version =D - but think the mask itself looks awesome. Here's my go at a 3D model of it:

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Cheers! =)


NiGHTS 2 Trailer - Fan Made

Hey, I think it's totally appropriate that I re-post the NiGHTS Into Dreams 2 trailer I made - my gosh has it been that long? - almost six years ago.

Fooled a couple of people back then... =)

Also, my most recent NiGHTS 3D Model:

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Now they only need to do something like this (I didn't fool anyone with this one =):
