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60 Days of Rocksmith: 10 Days In!

How are you doing learning guitar?

Well, I'm finding a pattern here. In terms of learning songs I'm good up to about a 30% mastery. Which means I'm around the 50-65% difficulty point and and about 70-80% accurate (I think). As with an acoustic, I'm bad at going up and down the neck of the guitar, switching finger positions, knowing where my fingers/hands are without looking down. All the things I'm bad at on an acoustic I'm bad at with an electric.

With lessons, my first go I'm pretty bad at performing the techniques but I'm able to finish most of them (I'll go into this later). But my second and third time throw lessons I do much better and have been able to adapt those techniques into learning songs.

How do you think the game is doing at teaching you guitar?

Ok. It's great at telling you what notes you've missed and why in terms of location. But with other mistakes I make it falls a bit short. Here's an example; I'm trying to learn tremolo. This is where you move the pick back and forth over the guitar as quickly as possible. This is a technique the Edge from U2 uses quite a bit (for reference). I can't get the timing right, or my hand is holding the pick wrong, or something because I can't get this technique to work consistently. The game's tips are to hold the pick at more of an angle....and just do it. That doesn't help me at all. Here's another one. When I was learning how to do palm-muted picking the game couldn't differentiate between palm muted picking and regular picking when they scored me. But when I do palm-mute the strings and get the sound they are looking for the scoring is inconsistent.

Uh oh...

Well, it's not all bad. It's great at teaching you chords, picking, and telling you when you mess up and when you do something right. So eventually, if you have the patience and know how to train yourself when the game isn't, then you'll eventually figure out a technique (or do it well enough that the game will let you proceed).

So, is this a good way to learn to play guitar?

Maybe. I'm still really early into this and I have learned things that I hadn't learned before. But I had also only been in one guitar class in high school (it lasted like 3 months) and everything else I learned on my own. So I don't really have anything to compare it to. But if I'm learning, which I am, I think it is an appropriate way to learn thus far. It may not be as good as with an instructor but it's better then learning on your own.

Anyway we can help?

Yes! I'm having problems with two techniques and the game isn't really helping me with it. With hammer-ons at least (I've yet to get to pull-offs) I can't get the technique down. I can do it on an acoustic just fine. But with an electric the string's vibrations die as soon as I 'hammer-on' to the new position. I've tried picking harder, softer, placing my finger faster. It always seems to end with a the string no longer vibrating as soon as I push down. The game isn't really telling me what I'm doing wrong just that I'm doing it wrong. So what suggestions do you guys have for me?

I'd also take some suggestions on the tremolo problem I explained above if you guys have any. Thanks.