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3ds Activity log 2014

A year in which I played my Vita and PSP-Go a lot...seriously.

Steps taken: 3,474

25 games / 30 hours

List items

  • 9 hours - Finished (Hero side)

    mildly embarrassing, but hidden underneath the 'fan service' is a charming story and a competent fighter. Shame about the frame rate...and service.

  • 5:57 - lol no.

    A wonderful game I intend to finish early this (2015) year. Backlog strikes again.

  • 2:40 - Nope

    I...don't like this game. After waiting since Strange Journey was put to bed this..just seems like a step back. I will return to it I guess but it's not high on my priorities.

  • 1:55 - nope

    It's next on my list after Rorona to finish..honest.

  • 1:37

    As with Art Academy I just like being able to sketch some times.. I'm honestly terrible but it's rewarding none the less

  • 1:08 - nope

    oh we're at the fire crystal..nope we'll come back later kthnxbai

  • 0:32 - nope

    Odd, you might think, to find a goty contender at only half an hour play time. It's that good..seriously. Time just isn't on my side.

  • 0:20 - nope

    Well..I have no idea what is going on but it's fun.

  • 0:20 - nope

    After Zelda..honest.

  • 0:20 - nope

    All of these latter games are from the recent sales..but they were all worth the money. oh and obligatory ARRGHH MY HANDS mention for the control scheme.