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Christmas Letter 2010

 Dear family; friends; casual acquaintances; people who I don't know reading this online and Google Spiderbots,  

It's that time of the year again. You know? The most wonderful one. That one. Christmastime. Yeah? You probably noticed what with all the pretty lights and tinsel and goodwill to all men and sudden inexplicable rise in quality of television. Which also means it's time for me to write my Christmas Letter, a tradition which - despite the protestations of many -  shows no signs of ending. You know? Like mince pies.

Now for some of you this is your first time receiving one of these letters, and some of you who have received one before have preposterously short atten...Oh hey look, a bunny rabbit!

Where was I? Oh right, explaining the letter.

Every year, I sit down and ask myself a simple question: "What kind of year has it been?".

Then, in the letter, I ramble on and on, at times quite tediously, in answer. And because I'm a wacky goofball, I usually litter it with jokes. Mostly the stuff I didn't have time to say in the year that was. Why? Because why the hell not, that's why.

So anyway, let's set about answering that question. What kind of year has it been? Well...A damned long one! I don't know about you, but January 2010 feels like so long ago I can barely remember it. Maybe it's the quite preposterous number of things which happened this year, or the way everything seems to have changed, or maybe it's the fact I'm a Student and therefore have consumed what is surely a dangerous amount of alcohol.

No, just kidding folks. The only DANGEROUS amount of alcohol is none.

Just think, this time last year, me and many of my peers were waiting around for the sadistic system known as "UCAS" to let us know our fate. I was in College and almost all my friends were 17, which means there was no nightlife to speak of.

How times have changed.

And look at all the other stuff. This year, amongst the achievements to my name are, sleep (Drunk) in a Disneyland Paris Hotel bathroom; move to University; spend an hour on a stage telling my fellow College leavers how awesome we are; go to Prom with a date AND pass Year 13 whilst basically sleeping through most of the Exam period - thank YOU inexplicably high marks in January Exams*!

*Seriously, I have no idea why they were so high. I thought I'd failed them.

Yes, it's been one hell of a year. A year in which I, repeatedly, discarded almost all of my hair and started reviewing drinks on the internet for...Some reason. You know now that I write that down, it seems even weirder...Still...Go watch those reviews... 

Still, by far the most exciting part of the year was moving to Portsmouth where, to paraphrase a song, I've got some friends that I may hardly know, but we've had some times I wouldn't trade for the world.

Man, I hate it when people pretend to be deep by using the lyrics of a song, don't you? Doesn't that just make you want to punch them in the face? Well please don't do that, I'm still typing. It's hard to type with broken glasses and a black eye you know. I speak from experience.

Also, some stuff happened in the wider world, but it's mostly very depressing. But...Uh...Hey, Toy Story 3 came out. So it's not all bad. Oh and they brought Golden Grahams back. Some of you have no idea why that's amazing, but I assure you, it's like the best thing that ever happened in the world of cereal.

You know, speaking of Toy Story 3, I saw a lot of good movies this year...So there you go, there's some good news from the wider world. It was a good year for cinema.

Still reading? Good...A lot of people duck out after the second or third paragraph after they realise I'm just as annoying in writing as I am out loud. In return for your persistence, I have some happy news: IT"S SNOWING! I literally glanced at the window as I was writing this paragraph and it's started snowing again! on Christmas Eve ! That's in-freaking-credible!

Yeah, as you may be aware, I never grew up.

I'm still a kid at heart. 

Anyway, I think I've taken up enough of your time now. Plus I want to get this sent at about Midday. So then...Have a Merry Christmas; Happy Holidays; Happy Hannukah; Kwazy Kwanza; Solemn, Dignified Ramadan and a Happy New Year.

Paul Douglas

PS: Okay, NOW you can hit me.

PPS: OW! Hey, it wasn't mandatory! Jeez.