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Blizzards finest tunes since Diablo 2.

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Ok. Time for some WoW talk. I am right in the middle of my Northrend leveling (almost lvl 77 now!) and I´ve been questing a for a while now in a region called Sholazar Basin. In addition to being a really nice looking zone to quest in this Zone has some of the best music ever in a Blizzard title. I´m usually listening to a podcast or some of my favorite death metal while questing but when I enter a new zone or a new dungeon I always turn it off to listen to the ingame music for a while. Usually I just turn it off again. Don´t get me wrong, the music is often very nice but its nothing I want to listen to for long stretches of grinding. This all changed in this region of Northrend. All of the music tracks here are atmospheric masterpieces and WAAY above the standard tracks. I literally get goosebumps from the music in Sholazar Basin and the whole effect of the music is enhanced alot by the fact that the last region you quested in was a dark, rotten place with daunting tribal drums and undead everywhere. I am a huge sucker for superb music in games so I actually felt I needed to write this in my beloved blog. So to all 3 of you that´s not playing Wrath of the Lich king already. Listen to this, imagine running around in this beautiful tropical jungle and then feel the urge to jump in and level. This is just one of the tracks playing. The others are at least as compelling as this one.