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I'm with Vinny and Jeff with Breath of the Wild. All that openness and exploration was neat and all but then you soon realize that there isn't much to find. Exploring for the sake of exploring is only interesting up to a certain point then you realize that the map is 10x the size it should have been. Tsushima takes the concepts that game introduced and makes good on them by actually having a graphically amazing world that contained things to do.

I'd take Fenyx Rising over Breath of the Wild. Yeah, Fenyx goes silly with all the icons and crap but the world is a lot more fun to explore, is a whole lot smaller and the combat isn't the most basic, tedious thing. If BOTW 2 has that adventurous sense but in a better video game then I'll call that an instant classic but I honestly find BOTW to be the most over-hyped video game in this industry's history.

I truly wish I played the game a lot of folks have but I merely liked it instead of loving it.

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What's funny about Star Citizen is that Elite Dangerous is eating their lunch. A FPS expansion is being released this year that lets you walk outside your ship and do first person shooting stuff.

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I wouldn't mind if they brought Shepard back for the new game. They always felt like an anchor to the universe and I just liked the character in general.

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Rockstar came out there and said they wanted to get silly with GTAO but wanted to keep Red Dead Online in line with the fiction and create a world you just inhabit. I played it all the time and I think it's a far superior online experience than GTAO, albeit a more relaxed and less silly one.

The roles themselves are so far better thought-out than the comparable ones in GTAO. In RDO, the Trader role has you hunt animals then turn them in and after a set amount of time you go delivery your goods for a massive money pay-out without worrying about other players screwing with you. With GTAO you spend a wad of cash on one thing then after a set amount of time you go delivery your goods, in an open lobby that contains people with jets, flying cars, jetpacks and whatnot that can attack you and steal your stuff.

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Edited By Jimbot

They should just reboot Mass Effect. Only thing good about 3 was Tuchanka and the multiplayer. It's an utterly worthless game and the ending was just the easy thing to point to as what was wrong with it but that story was just garbage overall.

Reboot it with a solid plan and story for a possible trilogy. It's a far more interesting and better option than to figure out what you'd do with a sequel that radically changed the universe. Even setting it 300 years in the future wouldn't be far enough to get away from the ramifications of those endings.

There'd still be human controlled reapers flying around or all matter in the universe would have integrated circuits in it. Only the destroy ending would make sense and I remember reading they don't want to make any one of those canon.

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I really do hope Rockstar updates Red Dead Redemption 2 for the PS5 because it's me, I play Online pretty much daily and find a lot of enjoyment out of that mode. Having better visual fidelity, framerate and load times would be pretty fantastic.

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Edited By Jimbot

Never ceases to amaze that the amount of hyperbole Zack Snyder things bring out in people.

Edit: Not taking any digs at the guys, their jokey hyperbole just reminded me of the response in general.

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Honestly, I the more I played Hyper Scrape the less I liked it. I thought the movement was really stiff, compared to Apex. Like some weird half-step between a modern Respawn shooter and an arena shooter but didn't excel at either. I felt the shooting to be incredibly unsatisfying; the sound design on the weapons were weak and the TTK is really long.

The level design is the worse offender. It's just carbon copy buildings with boring staircases inside of them with really high walls that you can't get up unless you find a jump pad or get lucky and obtain a movement ability. Also for some reason ammo is the rarest thing you'd come across. A billion weapons and abilities everywhere but good lucky funding any ammo nodes. After about five matches I uninstalled it. Awful game that'll be dead on arrival.

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Edited By Jimbot

Call of Duty is a special kind of awful when it comes to updates. The whole goddamn game gets reinstalled, basically. It's the weirdest shit.

I wouldn't place the fault at Sony for this one. I play a ton of Red Dead Online and even that game doesn't have the issues CoD has.