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Wanted: Internet Buddy

I am a young college student from the East Coast. I play games online all the time but I've never really been much of a mic user. As a result, I've never really connected with anyone online. Sure, there have been a few times where I've been playing a few really great rounds with some people online and add them, but nothing ever evolves from there, usually because I'd more on to a different game or want to play something different. So, I decided to turn to one of my favorite websites and try and find my dream internet buddy. Here are some things about me.

I like to play guitar, I know some basic music theory but I mainly just play for fun.

I play Minecraft quite a bit, but haven't gotten into any modding stuff. I just like to play on peaceful and build and treasure hunt.

I love Doctor Who (really really love), Mad Men, Dexter, South Park, The Walking Dead, anything with Gordon Ramsay, to name a few

I play video games.... clearly

I love movies! I even won the Screened call in trivia thing once! It was an amazing moment.

But enough about me, tell me about you prospective internet buddy