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Day 18 Of Oblivion 12/4/10

 After I woke up I spoke to Faelin’s wealthy girlfriend Atraena about him. She reluctantly told me that he was a skooma addict. She had no idea what to do about him and was afraid he was going to end up dead. She at least knows what to fear… Anyway, she told me that he spent his day enjoying skooma in Lorkmir’s house, as it was abandoned. He was usually gone from 11 in the morning to about 5 in the afternoon. I was lucky enough that I was able to get to Lorkmir’s house before Faelin was there. My bonus, which I had failed to mention in my last journal entry, was to kill Faelin in a private location to make it look like a common murder. This was because Adamus Phillida was hot on the trail of any member of the Dark Brotherhood in the Imperial City. Because Lorkmir’s house was abandoned, this would be the perfect place to free Faelin and Atraena of their burdens.

I waited until the afternoon for him to enter the house. Like any addict, he was pacing around the house, itching and scratching. He was jumpy, so it was difficult killing him stealthily. I quickly did my job in the name of Sithis and headed back to Cheydinhal. It was unfortunately too late to finish my next contract, so I figured I would spend another night with my family.