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The Joy of Frustration

So I recently just got finished putting together a new PC. It's something that I haven't done for a while and I really get a lot of satisfaction out of it. Who knows, maybe it's working with my hands? Whatever the case, I forgot how much of a pain it can be to get everything running smoothly. I've been primarily using a Mac for the past year, so I was removed from my previous PC ways. The little things that pop up make the experience trying on your patience but they also make overcoming those obstacles very rewarding, for me at least. In some ways, I liken it to those old-school games that the people who like the video games are always talking about. You feel pretty awesome after you're through with it all but, along the way, you might get annoyed and confounded beyond all hell. At least at the end, you feel like "Yeah...take that bitch."

Maybe I'm too tough on my hardware. I don't want to hurt my processor's feelings.

Related note: Why would slap a stock fan on a video card that sounds like a jet turbine and then make the fan speed non-adjustable? Seriously, this thing sounds like it's about to take off for LaGuardia. F that noise (PUN INTENDED!).