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#1  Edited By k9

Brooke Hogan fired and guess whose entrance theme was posted on WWE youtube channel earlier today.

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I am 100% sure that WWE is going to make a storyline out of Darren coming out because when have they not exploited real life stuff before? Paul Bearer died? Oh, well let's throw his ashes in a storyline. I expect Darren to have rainbow colored afro in three weeks and slapping other male wrestlers' butts while winking at them during his matches.

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#3  Edited By k9

Apparently people within WWE hate Total divas show:


- Even though the WWE Total Divas reality show is scripted, word from Monday’s RAW is that Eva Maria is “passionately hated.”

It’s also noted that the only person who comes off worse than Eva Marie is Ariane, known on TV as Cameron. One WWE source said, “Cameron is an idiot, but everyone in the company already knows that so it’s nothing new.”

The one thing that was real on the show was the tears by Eva Marie when she met with Stephanie McMahon. The storyline where Eva lied about her dance background in the hopes that she’d be chosen to be Fandango’s dancer was fake but when they started putting the show together, they got word that while Stephanie was always super busy on Mondays, she would make time if they could come up with a good storyline for the show.

Eva went into Stephanie’s office with the idea that she’d done something really bad and that Stephanie was pissed at her. Stephanie was in character the whole time but Eva didn’t know that, which is why we got the real tears on television. Some WWE talents were laughing at the storyline, since it’s almost impossible to get any time with Stephanie on Monday but it was played up on Total Divas like there was no problem.

-While it's successful reality TV so far, every single solitary person within wrestling who has commented on the show to me—including, I should note, people who were involved in the production of it—hate the show passionately. The only person in WWE who has spoken out has been Dolph Ziggler. Most of the wrestlers were overseas last week so they didn't see episode one, but many of them saw episode two and thought it was awful. There is the feeling that you don't speak out about it because it's the Bellas' vehicle, and Nikki is dating Cena, and if it gets back to Cena that's the end of your push. Dolph either didn't get the memo or didn't care.

Is the show deemed as exposing the business too much? I personally see the show as 70% scripted, like all other reality shows. I doubt the relationship between Cena and one of the Bella twins is even real. If anything the show is developing characters of all the female wrestlers involved, not tarnishing the prestigious name of WWE.

Oh, and look what I found on youtube. A playlist of the entire invasion storyline.

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No need to worry about TNA anymore. The great Muta is coming and bringing in a TNA x Japan talent exchange program with him:

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Plus, just look at mysterious happenings currently going down at TNA:

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Taz: Is that who I think he is.

Tenay: Oh my God. What is My-ven doing here at the Impact Zone?

Taz: Let's hear what he has to say.

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Best of luck to Latest PPV and weekly show discussion thread on its future endeavors.

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I want there to be a male version of total divas show and call it "Totally Divas". This was hilarious to watch. The way Cena dodged the marriage question by one of the twins was great. "Marriage? Pssssshhhh. Baby you know you are the only one who I would go out fishing with while its raining". I was actually surprised to see Cena not wearing his merch clothes while hanging out with the implants Bella twin. Also, I want Cena's music to hit every time he shows up on screen.

This show is basically dirt sheets coming alive and being broadcasted on T.V. There is a good deal of truth and falsity mixed up to create the maximum amount of drama. The only downside is that the cast isn't as interesting as it could have been. If this does good numbers maybe WWE would consider doing a spinoff with male wrestlers, as I suggested before. Here's hoping.

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With this most recent TNA house show news there is mounting evidence that TNA is on the verge of sinking because of financial woes:

At tonight's TNA house show in Cape Girardeau, MO, road agent Pat Kenney came out at the start of the show and announced that around half the wrestlers who were scheduled would not be allowed to work due to commission licensing issues.

The company offered refunds, and for those who don't take refunds, a free fan interaction with all the wrestlers.

Being on the road is costing them too much and they can't go back to Florida either because their impact building has already been leased to someone else. Hopefully this time WWE will do a better job with Invasion 2.0 storyline.

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#8  Edited By k9

Dumb as hell idea. Don't do it. You won't be feeling like this about Ryan a few years from now.

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Instead of duplicating screens (show on TV what you see in laptop screen) try the option of displaying content in second screen only.

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Well if the GB chat isn't open and you have to pay to chat at Evo twitch streams, here is one for GB:

Add this to the OP. I'm sure for finals people will want to join in.