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Kayla's GOTY 2019

Hello, this is my GOTY list for 2019.

Notable omissions:

Borderlands 3 (bad)
The Outer Worlds (got bored)
Control (not for me)

List items

  • It came out in early access sometime last year, but I spent almost no time with it until it's full release this year. It's a fantastic way to feel dumb! I'm not one for deck-builders, typically, but sandwich it with some roguelite mechanics and really powerful synergies, and I'm in, I guess. I have 50 hours in this game and I still have no idea how to obtain some of this game's achievements. It's dense. And good.

  • I'm a major Tetris fan. I've played probably thousands of hours of Tetris over my life, and I've put several dozen into Tetris 99. There's a peculiar layer of strategy to this one that is unlike even other multiplayer Tetris games, and it's *free.* Hard to beat that.

  • As much as I don't want to admit it, a battle royale game sunk it's teeth into me in 2019. I love Apex Legends. Respawn completely nailed it. This is the only BR game that feels GOOD to play. It's not just acceptable, it's GOOD. It's not just the best BR to come out in 2019, it's the best shooter.

  • It's kind of like Slay the Spire, but with dice. It's remarkable the amount of mileage they get with their simple concept. It's easier than Spire, but it's still a total blast to play. Also, the soundtrack is probably my #1 for the year. Great music. Once again, Terry Cavanagh knocks it out of the park.

  • It's a From Software game. It's got a nice story, wonderful level design, wonderfully designed combat, wonderful bosses, and absolutely punishing difficulty. It's what you want from a From title. Since Dark Souls 1, 2, and 3 were all GOTY for me, this falls short in that ... it's not Dark Souls. It felt unfair at points, but powering through was satisfying. Can't deny the quality of this game.

  • I know the community has kinda fallen off of this recently, but this still remains some of the most fun I've had in games all year. The multiplayer, while not without lag issues, gets significantly better as you rank up. In A-rank, the multiplayer is hilarious, exciting, and a complete game-changer. I found myself laughing hysterically at the sheer ridiculousness of the random nature of the stages and competing with others to figure out how to beat the stage. I love making courses, and I felt I got better feedback and exposure this time around. Overall, I cannot deny how much fun I had with this game.

  • What a weird surprise this was. It's not really Dark Souls, it's not really anything. It's a co-op shooter that's somewhat simple in execution, but undeniably tight and fun to play. It just feels so *good.* Great game in co-op.

  • I loved Resident Evil 2 as a kid. This remaster was pretty much exactly what I wanted. I really enjoyed my time with this game.

  • Look, it's more Division, but I had a *ton* of fun playing this with friends. It's not the best game overall, maybe, but in terms of co-op shooters, this is some of the best of that that's out.

  • This is not a cop-out. I like this game more than most of the other games this year. It's 4 years old, and I still play it every day. I cannot deny that this belongs on my GOTY list. I've played it more this year than any year previous.

    Thanks for the 2000 hours, Psyonix.