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New Year, New Start

Now note: I don’t typically use this blog to talk about things outside of my gaming knowledge. I hate getting personal online, especially transmitting it out there to whoever, but what I want to talk about actually affects this blog, my goals for it, and what I plan on doing going forward. This isn’t one of those things where an author promises something then cannot deliver due to laziness. This is more me kind of opening my eyes to what I have to do to make myself a better writer, maybe one day make this more than a hobby. I know that it’s a tough road that I have to walk in order to make any want of this site being good a reality. Or the possibility of me moving on, writing for some sort of publication someday; be it online or print, maybe both.

The year 2012 was not a good one for me. It started bright, with a new relationship that quickly showed itself to be less than awesome. That was then coupled with a job situation that unfortunately did not work out at the end of the year. It was a stressful year; it was one where I found myself sick a lot, happy very little of the time, and doing nothing to better myself as a person. As a result, the writing fell off, my passion died. I played some video games that I didn’t write about, played too much WoW while not getting anything accomplished.

I don’t want that for this new year. I do not normally indulge in making resolutions, as it seems odd one makes these promises that it seems okay not to keep. However, this year I made a few. Most of them normal, lose weight, get healthier, etc. But one did not go up where my normal friends will see it, mostly because they do not all play video games. This year I want to be able to improve my writing. To what degree? I really have no idea, but I know I want this space, or any space I plan on writing on a regular basis to be more than just a passing fancy.

As such I need to become something approaching a professional about my writing. How does this get done? First write like a pro, no more cursing in my reviews and articles. Cursing often packs a punch in writing; but at the same time it feels like a cheap cop-out. Also I need to write more, as in every day. Even if I am not writing for this site, writing is something that requires practice to maintain and excel in. So really it’s all about being more regular in content generation, which if I am writing more will be a natural offshoot.

I also want to play more video games. More, and get myself playing games of genres I normally wouldn’t play. Maybe buy a racing game, there seem to be great ones out there. Hell, I don’t normally play games like Trials, but I downloaded the new one this year and completely loved it. As a by-product of this want to play more games, I need to quit World of Warcraft. For good. Erase my credit card history from Blizzard’s mind and leave those characters to rot. It’s been a great run for me, but has been petering out for a long time now. I think I keep coming back to it because it’s there, familiar and so easy to jump into. However it is an enormous time sink without end. It has kept me from playing countless other games, probably keeping me from new, more fun experiences. Right after this article goes live, I am canceling my account and I hope to whatever is out there that I never re-activate it.

Those are my blog resolutions for 2013. Writing resolutions really. This place matters to me, and I need to show it more love. I want people to see my writing, enjoy it and talk about it with me. As I said before, it is time I take what has been a fancy and turn it into real passion. I love doing this and 2013 needs to showcase that. Now time to go cancel my WoW account. Oh also, expect some reviews soon for that Vita I got for Xmas. I honestly love the thing.