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Trying to get back into Borderlands

Hey all, just a little thought popped into my head, I picked up Borderlands the week it came out, played it for a few weeks, I really did enjoy my time playing the game, and the elemental weapons never cease to make me chuckle :p, though I still have yet to come across a corrosive gun. I got to level 21, and by the time that happened, I had picked up Uncharted 2, and that kept me busy for a while, after that I started playing Demon's Souls and I just stopped playing it for a long time. Only one of my friends had it at the time, and his internet isn't the best, he could barely play any online matches, so for him the lag in coop made the game unplayable. Now one of my other friends, has finally decided to pick it up. 
Though I dont know if he'll be playing it anytime soon, because he just texted me a picture of his shiny new copy of MAG. I'll try to get him to coop this weekend, as when I put the game in yesterday, the only person who joined my game was some dude who had a very high level, who kept trying to duel me instead of trying to help me complete the mission. I ended up kicking the jerk off my game, sadly no one joined for the remainder of the hour or so that I played. I'm going to go back and play some more later, hopefully I'll have better luck, and if you have Borderlands on PS3 and have a mic, please do add me, my PSN is Kilzombie21 :)
On a off-topic note, I spent 3 hours on my art coursework today, I managed to finish the page i started today, added some designs to previous pages, and I got pictures printed for my interim evaluation-something i  should have done 3 weeks ago. Its good to see that when I do sit down and concentrate on my work, that stuff gets done and progress is made. Also, I would like some feedback on my photography you can view my pictures at