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#1  Edited By kms_md

the lack of both achievement stacking and NG+ is disappointing.

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#2  Edited By kms_md

Once you open up the usual farming area, you can grind out a significant number of souls in a short period of time. It makes the loss of souls less infuriating.

The most I lost was ~120k messing around in 5-1 on NG+ playing with character tendency (trying to get the friend's ring) and world tendency. I beat the boss after moving through the level without any deaths and was screwing around in his area. I forgot I had evacuate queued in my casting slot and evacuated out BEFORE touching the archstone. My world tendency should have been PWWT, but since I have not touched the archstone, it does not yet count. Now I am pissed off at myself and go trudging back through the level (forgetting I am in body form which occurs prior to touching the archstone). I get to the point in the level with the rats and think I have fireballed all of them. I lure out the giant goblin and suddenly notice I have been bitten by a rat, which throws off my concentration and my spell lock and I am killed in one stroke by the goblin. FUUUU ... I realize I have died in body form and screwed up my WT. Now pissed off, I work my way back through the level and figure instead of fireball, I will firestorm all the stupid rats. Except, I forget the wretched lady vendor is on the level just above the rats. Needless to say, she did not survive the firestorm and my character tendency took the hit. In a bit of a tantrum, I murder the giant goblin, stomp up to my bloodstain, and get killed by the fire pole wielding goblin hiding in the shack's corner.

I had to walk away for a little while after that - basically it was my own stupidity and impatience that had caused me problems. I was not so upset about the souls, but was frustrated I had managed to screw up BOTH my PWWT and my PWCT at the same time.

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#3  Edited By kms_md

@Filthy_Man_DF said:

Sucks about hearing you fight BP Satsuki. I was just about to type a message warning you to not get PBWT in that world. You missed a chance to get the Makoto (correct me if im wrong). You already had PWWT, so if you went to 4-2 after talking to Satsuki, you would have found the Makoto. Got to wait for NG+ now. When you go back to ShrineOS, be sure to kill BP Satsuki AND the Primevil demon. That way you won't have to kill that many bosses on NG+ to get PWWT.Never fought BP Satsuki, but as for BP NPCs, they can definitely be hard.Schriver the Wanderer is the hardest, since you can't run far away, and then sneak up on him when his back is turned. You might be able to use that tactic with Satsuki. Basically Schriver and Selena are the hardest, since that tactic doesn't work on them.

If you have a decent bow, you can shoot a Scirvir from across the pit. There is a platform almost directly across from the cave opening. If you position yourself there, you can snipe him and (IIRC) he will not shoot back. I do not remember if you are close enough to lock on a spell (like poison) from that distance.

I think you can kill (or wear down) Selena from the other side of the barrier with a bow. If you have Soulsucker and a Grave Robber's ring, you can walk up behind her and cast the spell.

My hardest BP is Rydell.

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#4  Edited By kms_md

I finished last weekend and began a NG+ almost immediately. This is easily my "Game of the Generation". Early in my playthrough, I found myself frustrated at losing ~5k souls halfway through a world, however, once I opened up 4-2 and could farm to my heart's content, that stress was alleviated. I played a royal/ranged class. I upgraded to soul arrow and firestorm and used the lava bow from distance. I am currently running through NG+ to play with both the world and character tendencies. The depth of this game is pretty extraordinary. I cannot wait for Dark Souls.

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#5  Edited By kms_md
Thanks for the help - this has dumbfounded me for the longest time.
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#6  Edited By kms_md
@fox01313 said:

Hopefully there's going to be a TNT next with involving TF2 halloween goodness if it going on that long.

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#7  Edited By kms_md

preordered the CE from amazon.

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#8  Edited By kms_md

IIRC when an engineer is around, the enemy shields shimmer in a blue/purple color when they are being hit by your rounds.  i never had a problem finding the right weapon for dealing with a specific enemy type in reach.  whenever elites were around you can always find PPs and either a magnum or DMR.  it really is a 2-shot kill.  whenever brutes were around, i never had a problem finding needlers or needle rifles.   
the only time i felt abused was the last battle in exodus.  i died during that portion the most and spent several hours clearing it.

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#9  Edited By kms_md

i am set up for muting everyone.  if i need to, i can selectively unmute for team matches.

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#10  Edited By kms_md
@EightBitShik said:
" This is me, Longhorn Spartan Mmmm!!  What's awesome about that too is when you go to their site and you look at the photo it actually tags the other person and lets you see who it was. How embarassing for this guy. 

uh -oh - i guess i am not the only spartan sporting longhorn colors.  in fact, i think i have the same helmet.  when i first looked at this photo, i thought why is someone putting up a picture of me assassinating them.  :)