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#1  Edited By Kollosson
I'm no fanboy, i own both consoles, i've played Forza 3 to the point of boredom, yes thats right, the game becomes a borefest, there is alot wrong with Forza 3 , its as though its been rushed. 
Turn 10 have had their pokes at GT5 and yet shamelessly copied the menus from Prologue, manufacturers garage car view, car in beautiful location ( except there is only one )  the cars in Forza in some cases are downright poor, with bobbly body work showing a lack of polys, in fact, apart from the HD i think GT4 is miles better than Forza 3 as a game. 
I purchased a PS3 to play GT5. The game looks unbelievable and there is so much content its staggering.