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Kone's Top 10 Gnames of 2018

That wasn't a typo. I repeat, gnames was not a typo.

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Kone is a Community Member at Giant Bomb. He sparked the Funko Pop! x Giant Bomb craze of 2018 and ended the year with a GIF of Giant Bomb's very own Jan Ochoa as The Quiet Man. He also claimed two second place finishes in Giant Bomb's 10th Annual E3 Banner Contest, which makes him a double loser.

2018 was a great year for gnames. What's that? You have no idea what gnames are? Well, from the guy who invented the term, I'm here to tell you... that you'll have to find out for yourself. Sorry and good luck!

This top 10 is ranked in order of current Giant Bomb employees from newest to oldest, and the games were selected from some of the most popular ones throughout the year, or whatever title would fit somewhat nicely with their names.

Honorable Mentions

The Quiet Jan

The Quiet Man x Jan Ochoa. The only reason this is here is because I had already made the gname for the GIF I mentioned above.

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Ninbendo Labo

Nintendo Labo x Ben Pack. All I did was copy and paste a B. Clearly not top 10 material. Coincidentally, I don't think cardboard would be in my top 10 materials list.

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Just Dave 2019

Just Dance 2019 x Dave Nillasca. I had to quickly whip this up when I noticed Dave in the Staff Top 10 Lists category. Just Dave 2020 is a lock for next year unless something better comes up, or Dave resigns because something better comes up for him. Let the rumors commence that Dave is leaving Giant Bomb.

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Red Dan Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 x Dan Ryckert. After making this and then realizing how divisive this game is, I replaced it with something everyone seemed to actually enjoy. A “your mom” joke would be perfect here.

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimatt

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate x Matt Rorie. Another simple copy and paste piece. Too easy, so it doesn’t deserve a spot in the top 10. I needed something harder, if you know what I mean. Internet shifty eyes.

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Desvinny 2: Forsaken

Destiny 2: Forsaken x Vincent "Vinny" Caravella. In the end, another gname replaced this one because I thought it looked better. But we all know nothing looks better than you. Aww.

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10. Marvel's Spider-Jan

Marvel's Spider-Man x Jan Ochoa. We’ve seen Jan all flexible-like, and we’ve seen him virtually do parkour, so this was a perfect fit.

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9. Subnabbyca

Subnautica x Abby Russell. Abby’s name was really difficult to fit into a game’s title. It was either this or Abbyfact for Artifact. Taking a look at reviews for both, I think I made a wise decision. Plus, it was one of the more fun ones to make.

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8. Hitben 2

Hitman 2 x Ben Pack. Ben’s name was difficult as well. It was either this or Red Dead Rebention. I didn’t like the sound of rebention and neither should you.

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7. Dan Cells

Dead Cells x Dan Ryckert. I picked Dan Cells over Red Dan Redemption. Would I pick Dead Cells over Red Dead Redemption though? I’m not sure because I haven’t played either of them. Alert the authorities! Someone's not a real gamer!

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6. Oestopath Treicher

Octopath Traveler x Jason Oestreicher. By far the most difficult name to fit into any title. I had to cheat and use his last name, and even then, I had to cheat some more and split it up. I’m already having a nervous breakdown for next year's list.

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5. Mattster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World x Matt Rorie. I like to think Mattster was a cool nickname he had as a kid, or maybe he uses it now among close friends.

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4. Alexin's Creed Odyssey

Assassin's Creed Odyssey x Alex Navarro. Now that I think about it, most of the Giant Bomb crew have names that are difficult to make gnames out of.

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3. Brad of War

God of War x Brad Shoemaker. Their names are killing me. I guess Brad sorta sounds like God. Why can’t they have better names that I can work with, like Bragon Hall LighterZ?

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2. Return of the Obra Vinn

Return of the Obra Dinn x Vincent "Vinny" Caravella. At first, this was going to be Return of the Ochoa, Jan, but then I realized I would’ve needed to create a bunch of time-consuming pixelated letters. I stuck with a single V instead.

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1. Tetris Jeffect

Tetris Effect x Jeff Gerstmann. This number one spot matches Giant Bomb’s number one spot. Synergy!

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Gerstfield and Yodie

We're all aware of Jeff's opinion on Yoshi. Now, after his Garfield with Gerstmann series, we also know that he's developed a deep hatred for Odie as well.

What if we combined the two and also remixed Cal Skuthorpe's Gerstfield into it? Introducing Jeff Gerstmann from Giant Bomb, Garfield and Odie from the Garfield comic strip, and Yoshi from the Mario franchise in the least ambitious crossover event in history.

Has art gone too far?
Has art gone too far?


Dragonbomb: Evolution

I originally made a version of this poster when Jeff and Dan started doing their All Systems Goku podcast. I have since updated it and have decided to make a blog entry after seeing how they are officially experts in anime now after appearing on the Giant Bomb x Crunchyroll ANIME 101 Panel at Anime Expo 2018.

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