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  • KTipcorn posted a message on the post Bak 2 Skool 01: Electricity.

    Echoes of Austin trying to explain batteries to Vinny over half a decade ago.

  • KTipcorn posted a message in the forum topic Vinny, Brad, and Alex have started a new Podcast and streaming project called Nextlander. on the General Discussion board

    Reading the RV employees line as I'm also watching Mary Kish go over old E3 stuff on a twitch vod, and now I'm wondering if Nextlander could fund that Johnny V in an RV project with some of the Patreo...

  • KTipcorn posted a message on the post Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic - Part 02.

    The Law and Order noise/Gungan pun was good enough to justify an entire playthrough of KOTOR and KOTOR 2.

  • KTipcorn posted a message on the post BOO(ze)!: Hausu.

    The first half is kinda like like Gath Marenghi's Dark Place, but the gags aren't gags... but yet they sort of still are gags, but not. Most unique movie on Film and 40s yet.

  • KTipcorn posted a message in the forum topic Abby is Leaving Giant Bomb at the end of November. on the General Discussion board

    Still feeling bummed out about the news a day later. Hope she does the Twitch thing a bunch of ex GB orbit people do now.

  • KTipcorn posted a message on the post Contradiction Part 02.

    I still boolieve

  • KTipcorn posted a message in the forum topic Should the Giant Bomb Premium content have an option to adjust the speed of the video playback?. on the Bug Reporting board

    A PAL playback speed on the Film and 40s would be the only time I'd have got any use out of such a feature, but that's becoming increasingly rare I'd need it as Amazon seems to stream at US speeds. A...

  • KTipcorn posted a message on the post We Be Truckin'! 09/01/2020.

    The music video for the song 'Юлия Савичева – Привет', which we hear in this episode, is set in the trailer of a small toy semi-truck making its way across Europe.

  • KTipcorn posted a message on the post Mass Effect 03 - Part 21.

    Citadel DLC before the end has a sort of poignancy to it, when the fate of the universe was still in the balance, that I think maybe wouldn't play as a post script kind of thing. I'm avoiding referenc...

  • KTipcorn posted a message on the post We Be Truckin'! 07/28/2020.

    Roller Disco chat going into She Is a Maniac really vividly brought back an image of Grampa John skating around to it, with his "Clinton Free Zone" badge and America themed hardhat over the end credit...

  • KTipcorn posted a message in the forum topic The Interesting History of the Viking era of England. on the Assassin's Creed Valhalla board

    If Alfred is the bad guy, the Vikings set up the origins of the Danelaw around then.It is a strange choice for the Assassins side, given that the earlier games tended to make Templars the 'bringing pe...

  • KTipcorn posted a message on the post Mass Effect 3 - Part 08.

    That plot twist around 1:07:00 threw me.

  • KTipcorn posted a message on the post 625: Take Me to the YouTube.

    @mellotronrules: that'd be a mighty, mighty pretty sight to see. Take the E3 night couch down to Lafayette, all the places they ain't been to yet. See the world and never leave home again.It's one way...

  • KTipcorn posted a message on the post Mass Effect 3 - Part 01.

    Tali Lives!Strange that none of the game in this ep. seemed familiar, with the ME1 and ME2 eps I could almost recall scene for scene as it happened. I can remember the french doc from ME1 when we me...

  • KTipcorn posted a message on the post 621: Groove Is in the Heart VR.

    Jasper Carrot stole his Goldenballs show from Robert Kilroy-Silk's show "Shafted" where contestants "decide whether to share, or to shaft".

  • KTipcorn posted a message on the post Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge - Part 2.

    These Sudoku episodes have given us everything we need to create a giant bomb themed numbers station should the need ever arise. I, for one, am glad of that fact.

  • KTipcorn posted a message in the forum topic Most Disappointing Game of the Decade?. on the General Discussion board

    @bonbonetti said:Mass Effect 2 (2010).I loved everything about the first Mass Effect game, ... Mass Effect 2 is the exact opposite of what I wanted from a Mass Effect sequel. Gone was the tactical an...

  • KTipcorn posted a message in the forum topic Farewell and best wishes to Dan!. on the General Discussion board

    Dan Ryckert for president in 2020.