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Podcast - DF #50: Fear 2 Cry eHarmony

We recently hit the one-year mark a few weeks back and now we've hit episode numero "fiddy"! Is it odd that I suddenly have a desire to play 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand? This week we start out with "What We've Been Playing" as always and discuss Far Cry 2 and magic wrenches, FEAR 2: Project Origin, Peggle (on XBLA), Pokemon Platinum, and much more! Gus also shows his age with a little tale on how not to enjoy a special pre-order demo.

We follow up all that "jazz" with some gaming news, such as Rob's "pants-jizzing" over Nintendo's new Zelda announcement, as well as the numerous Final Fantasy announcements. We also mention the announcement of Max Payne 3 and whether or not I should grow back my pedo-beard in honor of Max's new look. We end the show with a special announcement about the future of our podcast and hopefully we'll be able to distribute our failure to a much wider audience in the coming weeks!

This week's sausage dump is all about Rob and his "luck" with eHarmony!