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I'm feeling very blue for 2010

I don't mean it that way (or did i?). But there has been some Blueness related to my recent doings, so i might aswell dump it on all of you while i'm at it.

Avatar (The Last 3D-Bender)

Well, i went and saw James Cameron's latest Blockbuster, and i didn't come away dissapointed, but not exactly amazed at the same time. It does a decent job with it's story, but it does nothing new in terms of story-telling, it just tells a classic story in it's own little terms and world. I'll just whittle it mostly down with Bullet Points (everyone loves bullet points!)
  • The CG stuff looks pretty good, there are some neat 3D effects they have in place, and i thought the start of the film awed me the most when it came to showing off all that fancy hardware.
  • The Na'vi, they didn't exactly convince me when they showed 'strong' emotion, but i really did find a reason to root for them in the film, not just for the sake of the narrative. They got the job done, albeit awkwardly.
  • James Cameron still knows how to make some powerful action scenes, most of them revolving around the second half of the film. There's one in particular i really wanna mention, but i feel it'd spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
  • Plot is quite predictable, but it didn't hurt the movie, didn't exactly make it seem like quite the revolution some people make it out to be though. If you don't throw too much thought into all of it, you can accept it for what it is and let it guide you through the almost 3-hour long film.
  • I get the feeling that seeing it in Theatres, in 3D, Full Surround Audio and all that jazz is what made it quite an enjoyable film to watch, i don't think it'll convert that action as well into Blu-Ray/DVD (Unless you have a mad Home Theatre set-up)
If i'd rate the film, i wanna give it 4 out of 5, but i feel that it loses .5 just cause i really don't think that experience will carry over to Home Viewing.  So i guess i'm saying 3.5 out of 5 for Avatar. Take my Advice: Go see it in theatres now if you really wanna see it, don't hold off. Also of note, it says wonders of the film when after seeing it, i really wanted to jump back into that universe (i almost thought about getting the game, but realized it probably isn't worth it's price of admission).

Mass Effect (Embrace Eternity!)

So i picked up the original Mass Effect somewhere during December, I'd had played it earlier this year, but wasn't really too into it at the time. Mass Effect 2 was on the way, so i figured i'd give it another go, and to my suprise i quite like that game alot, so much so that i've played 3 runs of it, and plan for a 4th to get level 60. Also there's blue people in Mass Effect (incase you wondered).
  • The Writers at Bioware either come up with new ideas constantly, or they've always wanted to re-create Star Wars in their own image, as Mass Effect (and alot of other Bioware games that aren't licensed) is jam-packed with Races, Planets, Technology, Terminology and masses of other things. It's really quite good stuff, and considering this was only the first in a series of 3 (or so they say), that's quite alot to take in (in a good way).
  • The Combat felt a bit janky and stale after my first run was done, but then i picked a Biotic (first run was Soldier), and man...I'll just say this: Don't just play Soldier. You'd be missing out. (Combat is still a bit janky, but i'll forgive it)
  • The Renegade/Paragon stuff feels pretty good, it's much less a case of straight up 'I'm Evil/I'm a Pussy' choices, or atleast it manages to give a damn good illusion that it isn't (My main character was morally very Grey, as he did enjoy punching people and watching evil space tenctacle monsters die).
  • The Mako controls pretty badly, but it's something you (have to) get used to. The last Mako segment alone almost made me lose my mind the first time i played it.
Overall, Mass Effect is a pretty good game, and considering i've played through it 3 times, that says quite alot already. I'd probably rate it a 4-4.5, it's not quite perfect, but with some more polish and tweaks, it could well be.