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What i've Been doing Recently

So i've been hearing about this Blogging business, seems like i want in on it, so i think i may become one with the blogosphere and tell you all about my grandé adventures in Vidya gaming.

Persona 4

Everyone's jealous of my name
Everyone's jealous of my name
i got Persona 4 cause i was interested and people were saying it was a pretty good game. from what i've played, i really like it. The game is mainly a life-simulator with a dungeon crawler in there aswell. The game doesn't delve into the dungeon crawling until about an hour in, but i enjoy the dialogue and characters in general, so i wasn't bothered by it and went with it. The game feels pretty up-beat for most of it, but there are some serious undertones to it at times. In the main life simulator section you have choices to make, and people to talk to. Some of these choices will affect  the Persona system but i'll get to that in a second. A day in persona doesn't last very long, but the game isn't in real-time or sitting there won't pass the day by, it's the decisions you make during the day that affect it. Simple thing like buying
items or equipment or just talking to simple NPCs won't do anything, but if you go to a restaraunt in the game, that's gonna be it for that day, you'll go from After
Is Persona 4 a life-simulator?
Is Persona 4 a life-simulator?
School(on a school day) to Evening(all you can do is walk around your house and either Study or Read a book if you have one and then sleep afterwards). The dungeon crawling in the games comes in when you realize that you can use TV's as a portal to an unknown place and people are ending up dead after being trapped in there for a while. Finishing a dungeon the first time is mandatory, because if you don't finish it in a certain amount of days, the person will end up dead which means Game Over for you. After you do it, you can go back in there for some grinding and bonus stuff. There's also a Persona System in the game. Persona's are summonable spirits(or something) that tie in with your character  and level up and can learn new spells when they are equipped(kind of like Junctions in FF8, without sorting about, just equipping the GF) and allow you to use their spells, and they can boost your stats depending on how high theirs are. You can only carry 6 persona's on you at any one time and can't physically store them per-se, but there's a place in the game where you can register your personas which means you can always buy back a persona card if you want it for a fee that gets larger depending on the persona's registration level. In this place you can also fuse persona's which allows you to mix 2 or 3 separate persona cards into a new persona. Depending on the combination, you could have a new strong persona
There's a hidden meaning in here...
There's a hidden meaning in here...
or you might end up with something you already have(it tells you what the result will be so you'll know). However, there is a limit to what you can make...You can only fuse to create a persona who's level is as high as your Main Character's. something small i'll add here is that there's a persona forecast that depending on date, will grant exp or stat bonuses to persona's(don't know if there are any with penalties). It's a fun game to play, but i play it in about 2-3 hour intervals so i'm coming along slowly.

Monster Hunter

Hi, i'm John Romero
Hi, i'm John Romero
I started playing Monster Hunter aswell, which is a cool game, definently reminiscent of Phantasy Star Online, there's not too much to say about it (multiplayer's been shut down so there's no chance of talking about that,i imagine it to be PSO Online). You take on quests, kill monsters, carve their bodies for loot, gather berries,plants,
I'll just sit here....waiting....
I'll just sit here....waiting....
mushrooms, mine minerals, cook food, fish....It's an MMORPG offline in the basic gist of it. you take on quests because i think you want to become a master of hunting monsters and make money to buy better gear for yourself or spend it on items. Action in general is pretty cool especially since most of the weapons in the game are pretty huge (FF7 Buster Sword style, there's even a Buster Sword you can get in the game), but the game takes a bit of a realistic approach with this. since most of the weapons(especially early in the game) are huge, your character likes to make slow swings and whenever he strikes a hit, he needs to find some strength to lift his weapon back up. It's a cool game if it weren't for these slowness issues...You Gather slowly, you mine slowly, you gather slowly, you attack slowly, you reload slowly(if you have a crossbow), the levels are chopped up into 7-13 part zones, each one taking about 5-10 seconds to load, starting a quest requires you to run out of the village and load the quest for about 20-30 seconds, and when you finish a hunting quest, you need to wait for 1 minute before the game takes you back to the village (there's no way to
And Waiting......
And Waiting......
manually go back to the village, cept beating or losing the quest) and for gathering quests it's 20 seconds. I find this really annoying but i really like the game, the PS2 didn't get Monster Hunter 2 or Monster Hunter G in anywhere but Japan, so i don't get a chance to play those, and i don't have a PSP to play the handheld ones. All in all, it's cool, but they really need to either put a turbo mode somewhere in the game, or just not make these animations ridiculously long (or offer me to get smaller weapons early in the game to attack and recover fast).

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

I'll have to admit, first time i ever played MGS3, but it blew me away(as do all MGS games really) from the minute i started playing it. I'll go in-depth with it, but first off, i have to say that after playing MGS3, MGS 2 feels like a worse game than i thought it was(i suppose this just happens with alot of games and their successor/sequels...or not). Getting into MGS3, it feels like i'm playing a bond movie alot of the times, which is good. The Camo System is neat and if i'm bored i just dress snake for the newest in camo fashion every now and then. The stamina and survival system is a cool addition as well and if i'm bored, i'll just hunt some wild
He's Covered in Bees...Do not mess with him.
He's Covered in Bees...Do not mess with him.
game for myself. I like the story (for every Metal Gear game really) and there are some pretty great moments. One thing i gotta say about the Cobra unit...they have a guy on their team who uses bees as a weapon, and i don't think anyone would wanna fuck with that. The boss fight's are pretty tense at times especially the Fear fight for me. The End i thought was cool but sometimes it was a bit boring cause it would just end up with me looking really hard into finding him, but when i did...The Chase Began!. Alot of the end-game stuff was pretty cool, but i was getting frustrated with any fight involving Volgin(i suppose that's the reason why people don't mention the fights with him when they talk about MGS3) cause he was just  plain annoying really. There are some really fun codec moments to find and there's a certain dream sequence and a cutscene in a cave that are pretty genuinely WTF moments(both in a different sense of that word). Overall, getting to finally play it feels amazing, and as a certain person from Consolevania reminds me why i love video games. There's more to talk about, but i think you should experience the game yourself if you haven't yet.


If i kissed him right now...i bet he'd taste like a Wild Beast!
If i kissed him right now...i bet he'd taste like a Wild Beast!