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A Great Pairing

Just started the game, and so far I am very pleasantly surprised. I'm a big fan of the 50's in general, so the story and characters have already grabbed me.
What makes this game even better is that for the last two weeks (totally coincidentally) I've been hooked on Mad Men and The Sopranos. This game seems to bridge the two programs together, as well as being a totally unique, interactive medium. It's things like this, where games and television can be paired like cheese and wine, that really make the experience that much more rich. Other examples could be reading The Road and playing Fallout 3, or watching Heat and playing Kane & Lynch. Anyone else have a similar experience?


What a site!

Wow, an amazing site, well worth the wait! I'm very impressed with the UI and overall look so far.... I don't even know where to start! Anyway, I'll be back tomorrow with my first world premiere dosage of cold, hard, sarcastic judgement of the gaming world. 'Night all, and congrats on the site guys!