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Two Blog Posts In One Day and Weezer

                Damn right two blog posts in one day no one thought it to be possible, but I have done the impossible essentially I am the unicorn.

            Anyway I’m posting again because I have been listening to Alone II: The home recordings of Rivers Cuomo and thought I should share my love for all things Weezer with a Weezer round up.  If you like Weezer and are interested in Cuomo’s writing process I recommend Alone I and II, but at the very least you should download Can’t Stop Partying from Alone II.  Anyway here is my Weezer album round up of the greatest band that ever lived.

Weezer (The Blue Album)- Weezer’s first album is just fantastic. The best song on here is track ten Only In Dreams it’s just epic that’s all that needs to be said about it.

Pinkerton- Weezer’s second album and widely considered their best and that’s because it is… It was not well received at its initial release due to it being very innovative and different, but many sites have changed their scores for it like Rolling Stone who now has it as five out of five.  The best song on the album is Getchoo.   

Weezer (The Green Album)- Weezer  released the third album after a long absence were everyone thought they had disappeared.  In my opinion this is their worst album, but it’s still fantastic.  The best song on this album is Hash Pipe.

Maladroit- This album is there most underrated I think.  Many people see it as a disappointment, but they obviously didn’t listen to the album more than one time through.  The best song on this album is Take Control. 

Make Believe- I also believe that this album is very underrated you can’t just listen to this album once and expect to like it you have to give a couple listens and you will see how great the songs and lyrics are.  The best song on this album is We Are All On Drugs.

Weezer (The Red Album)- This is by far Weezer’s most innovative album with The Greatest Man That Ever Lived and the fact the Rivers isn’t the only one singing.  The best song on this album is The Angel And The One it’s also quite different because it has no chorus.

            That is my summary of Weezer’s six albums so far hopefully there will be many more.