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@i_stay_puft said:

I get it. If Jeff and all them were "Saved By the Bell," and Mary and Danny were "Saved by the Bell: The New Class".

This new Gamespot is "Saved by the Bell: The Newer Class" and Peter Brown is the equivalent to Mr. Belding.

FINALLY, someone is speaking my language! So if Jeff & Co. during the Gamespot days were on equal footing with the original "Saved by the Bell," does that make Giant Bomb "Saved by the Bell: The College Years?" If so, I'm perfectly fine with that.

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This is the best possible reason for leaving and I'm crazy happy that it's actually real. Austin getting the chance to run his own gaming site from the ground up with a larger company backing him is an absolute dream. I'm so happy for and proud of this man that I've never met!!!

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#3  Edited By LadyShayne
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I'm pretty sure this is the same one. Here it is in black if that's your preference. I was planning on buying it myself once I saw it too, so I looked it up as soon as the stream was over. Unfortunately the grip covers seem to be built for the slims so I'm out of luck on that one. Hopefully my loss is your gain! Side note: The matching analog stick covers are here and here if you're interested.

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@mikemcn said:

@spunkyhepanda said:
@mikemcn said:
@spunkyhepanda said:
@yi_orange said:

That is, until he runs into "Eve" in the wild. Simon not being able to recognize and identical twin of his wife is kind of crazy, so it's possible he in fact recognized this not as a twin, but as his wife, and decided to play along with this new secret he discovered.

Are you referring to when Simon showed up at the bar where Eve was performing? From what I understood, this was after Hannah revealed the truth to Simon about her and Eve, and they had their huge argument. He went to see Eve out of curiosity. Eve had been on her own for years at that point, and because she was no longer posing as Hannah, had started to look different from her. Plus, the wig.

He knew it was Hannah's sisters who he was cheating with. Eve said how simon told her (on a subsequent date after the bar encounter) that she was so different from his wife except in looks, which made her laugh because they're twins and thats ironic/not true at all. The wig was part of her act in the bar and simon knew that, but always liked blondes. In another clip, hannah talks about how "the one's close to you know exactly just where to hurt you the most" or something.

Simon wanted revenge on hannah for their marital problems, so he slept with eve and got her pregnant and Eve had Sarah.

In this way he found a way to hurt her the most. Hannah had to share her whole life with her secret twin, eve. Now she is sharing her husband with eve! Hannah tried to get a kid but didn't get one. Now eve has one!

Simon's a dick.

Yeah, he knew it was Eve. I thought there was something in there about how he hardly recognized her when he saw her or something, but I could be wrong. I didn't think Simon's affair with Eve was a revenge thing so much. I think he realized that because they had both lived as Hannah, he had fallen in love with Eve just the same as with Hannah. And that was before she left, before he and Hannah had gotten married, before the miscarriage. When it was still new and exciting. He wanted that feeling back.

That makes sense actually! I never figured out why they did the switching back and forth on dates thing. Maybe they were just messing with their suitors, maybe they wanted to see which one got along best with the guy, maybe they literally wanted to share the person they fell in love with? I don't know. I suppose two consecutive boyfriends would have been able to figure out they had seen two different people if they each committed to dating one boyfriend at a time.

Don't cheat on your wife with your wife's twin though! Just a general rule of thumb!

Judging by the last interview Eve makes it sound like Simon didn't know they where actual twins when he began the affair. She said that he had no idea who she was but that he was fascinated by the likeness while also mentioning he never said he was married. This made me think he could've talked about how she looks exactly like someone he knew while not mentioning Hannah. It wasn't cheating for revenge because he didn't find out that they were twins and that Eve was pregnant until the night he died (their birthday). Hannah put the pieces together when she told him about her pregnant twin and the look on his face once he realized it was more than just a passing resemblance gave him away.

@mikemcn There's a clip or two where Eve talks about how shy Hannah was compared to her, which meant that Eve had to play the more confident aggressive role with the guys her sister liked and Hannah could still be her shy self when it was her turn. When Hannah fell in love with Simon however she refused to share.

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#6  Edited By LadyShayne

Even if we pretend that the tattoo & the bruise didn't exist, I'm definitely going with the twin theory. The fact that Eve was in Glasgow when the murder happened and (thanks to her hospital visit) has proof that she was nowhere near the crime scene helped the twin theory for me. She even milks the alibi claiming that she can't be in two places at once. In a separate Eve interview (blue short sleeved shirt) they confront her about the time stamp of her speeding ticket conflicting with the time she was actually still at work. Once again being in two different places at once.

There's a moment in the final interview where Eve talks about their differences and mentions "some things one is better than the other at." She uses driving as an example with a teenage Hannah taking the test for both of them because she (Eve) almost crashed the car when she tried to take it. This felt like a subtle callback to the speeding ticket and small car accident in Glasgow truthfully being Eve while Hannah was back home committing the murder. On the flip side, murder was something that Eve seemed to excel at as she was able to kill both Florence and their birth parents without any suspicion thrown her way, while Hannah's attempt landed them in the middle of a full-blown murder investigation.

The last bit that cemented the twin theory for me was Eve's passion for diaries and her desire to keep "everyone on the same page." I can't speak to the actual experience of split personalities, but every time it's depicted in fiction there's never a need for the various personalities to be in cahoots with each other and keep their stories straight while they're having different experiences in the same body. In those cases each personality goes to great lengths to show how different they are from the last. Keeping a consistent story and using the diary as a script would definitely be necessary if two different people were pretending to be one.

Either way, I love the fact that there are enough red herrings on both sides that a debate is even possible. I enjoyed this game even more than I thought possible. Instead of breaking open Arkham Knight I was frantically typing in bizarre search terms at 3am. Also the actress did an amazing job across the board with her performance regardless of if she was portraying twins or a woman with split personalities. Rewatching the clips in order it's stunning how much she transforms while playing both Hannah & Eve.

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#7  Edited By LadyShayne

An exclusive quote from Mya on the state of VR on is something I never thought I needed until this moment. Thank you Austin, thank you.

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This is probably one of the few cases in which I'm totally fine with buying a collector's edition based on the soundtrack. No idea whether I'll actually enjoy playing the wrong number as much as the first, but between the tracks I've already heard & the presentation of the vinyl I'm already down for the second pressing.

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@fetchfox said:

Followed Jeff to the Arrow Pointing Down Podcast and then on to Giant Bomb.

This was pretty much the case for me as well. I switched from checking gamespot on a daily basis to following Jeff's blog while I waited for whatever was next. I didn't join until subscriptions were added because it seemed like the best possible way I could truly support a site that had given me years of hilarious & amazing content.

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Okay, I'm completely new to the game and decided to start playing because watching Daily Dota without any frame of reference was making me crazy. I've played around 9 hours of co-op bot matches with a friend who's equally new to the genre and I've really been enjoying it (despite all of my accidental deaths). I've read some of the guides for new players & watched enough videos to have the basic concepts and lingo flowing through my brain without the full on strategic insight that I suppose comes with playing the game for longer.

My Steam ID is ShayLei so add me if you have saintly levels of patience or if you happen to be as bad as I am.