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Putting It all together.

I just want to surprise him. The only thing I have left to finished is to fill it all out and ship it. Stil not sure about the color, and I don't know how many he wants. Ugh........I just need to be patient with it. I don't want him to freak out or anything. That's the last thing I want to happen.  
Luckily, this Halloween holiday is coming up so maybe I'll be able to meet new people and make more friends. Hahaha, wow, my cat just spilled my bowl of cereal all over my lap. Just my luck right? Quiggy is my cat's name, but I just call him Cat. It's simple, and easier for me. I have trouble remembering stuff. 



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Edited By LemonLime

I just want to surprise him. The only thing I have left to finished is to fill it all out and ship it. Stil not sure about the color, and I don't know how many he wants. Ugh........I just need to be patient with it. I don't want him to freak out or anything. That's the last thing I want to happen.  
Luckily, this Halloween holiday is coming up so maybe I'll be able to meet new people and make more friends. Hahaha, wow, my cat just spilled my bowl of cereal all over my lap. Just my luck right? Quiggy is my cat's name, but I just call him Cat. It's simple, and easier for me. I have trouble remembering stuff.